Down Syndrome Rocks: The Privilege of Parenting!

Down Syndrome Rocks: The Privilege of Parenting! March 21, 2015


One Friday in May can seem mundane to the common man, and it can be a life changing day to another. I have had both the former and the latter, but in May of 2013 my life was rocked! Casey and I had long known we wanted to adopt a special needs child, but we did not know when. Months prior we registered with the National Down Syndrome Adoption Network. Little did we know then that our connection to Abel would come through the most unlikely of places, Facebook (for all of you prone to think upon the vanity of social media, think again). Within days, we found ourselves in Las Vegas, Nevada being introduced to our newest boy, Abel. There is so much more to this story that what I have shared here. Much of that story would blow your mind, as it does ours. But what I want to share here is a bit different. I want to focus upon my son and the gift that he is and the beautiful aspect of God’s image that he represents.

Abel Jonathan Chappell is a rare glimpse into the joy of God! I see him through this lens, and it truly overwhelms me. We live in a fallen world that touches humanity in so many ways. Our genetics are fallen and, therefore, subject to the fragility of Chromosomes. Our bodies are impacted by disease, and to be honest, many genetic disorders that are hard to bare. However, in the midst of this Down syndrome developed. The extra 21st chromosome is often called the “Love Chromosome,” and with good reason. From day one Abel has been characterized by joy, both from within and what he has provided outside of himself. God has blessed us with a the gift of parenting this incredible young man.

Abel 2We were asked a question before leaving for Las Vegas, a question that left us frustrated and frankly, somewhat angry. We needed physical to be approved to adopt, and we had to rush those before leaving. The Dr. Asked us if we had always wanted to adopt a child with “problems,” and asked us if we understood that he would “never leave our home.” I think we saw then, even if held innocently, the deeper cultural feeling towards special needs children. From the early days, to the wires, through the developmental delays, to the consideration of the future, I can say with honesty, we count it all joy!

Abel 3This boy loves life! His first words were “Dada and touchdown,” not too bad from my perspective. Abel demonstrates forgiveness in ways we might not expect or understand. Abel is constantly poked, pushed, squished, bumped and awkwardly carried, in a house with four other children. He never reserves love the way you or I might have. He never seems as if to say ” I remember what happened last time you held me.” However, he crawls with joy into his siblings arms as if to say I love you here even with the bumps that come with your presence. He reveals God to me as he looks into my eyes as if to say I take joy in you, I love you, and I delight to have you near me. His snuggles reveal compassion and his laugh the delight of eternity! This boy is a gift and Down syndrome rocks!

Abel 4

Today is National Down Syndrome day, and it is a perfect day to highlight my boy and an even more perfect day to shed light on the love of God to us through those with this special chromosome! Our society does not see with kingdom eyes, and so we pray one of the effects of our family choices is that society and culture around our spheres are pushed to see something beyond this veil. We pray you are, and maybe that means coming alongside families in your community to support them. Maybe it means helping them adopt special needs children, Maybe it means doing this special addition yourself. Whatever it may mean, ignoring the reality of these special creations of God’s image is not an option. From the perspective of one father, may I suggest you would never want to if you experienced the ways in which my boy Abel constantly rocks my world! Happy Down Syndrome Day!!

Abel Video

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