March 9, 2021

Birds have been referred to as the messengers of the gods in many different cultures. This connection of our winged companions to the Divine Ones offers us an opportunity for a different kind of message magick. Read more

February 16, 2021

Although conventional traveling may be restricted due to the pandemic, it is not on the astral plane. Go travel anywhere and everywhere you want. Nothing can stop you. Read more

February 14, 2021

Joseph Campbell says “If you can see your path laid out in front of you, it’s not your path. Your path you make with every step you take.” Read more

February 11, 2021

Laughter and play are some of the most healing activities we can engage in.  And as the saying goes, ‘it’s never too late to have a good childhood.’ But how do we get started? Read more

February 5, 2021

Each seeker’s journey will unfold and grow in its own way.  Maybe they have grown up pagan but want to pursue a different pagan path.  Maybe they like their pagan path just fine, but want to incorporate Unitarian Universalism into their faith practice also.  Or maybe they are leaving their family of origin’s faith tradition entirely and feel a call to something they just can’t quite name yet. Read more

February 1, 2021

Lately, I’ve been seeing rainbows again—I’ve been drawing a double rainbow card in my Motherpeace Tarot deck. A rainbow was even tucked into the corner of an ever-changing photo when I booted up my laptop this morning. I’m grateful for the good omens. Read more

January 29, 2021

Night is waning, and the sun is rising earlier and setting later, making each day a little longer. This is the time for us to awaken from our winter dreams and start the new year. Read more

January 15, 2021

A good imagination is key for any Pagan, no matter what path you walk. It is an important component for grounding and centering... Read more

December 19, 2020

Mary Ann Clark writes about Yule in her series on the Wheel of the Year. "Yule (December 20) is the pagan holiday that has been most integrated into secular culture." Read more

December 19, 2020

Happy Winter Solstice and may 2021 bring healing and moments of respite to you and yours. Read more

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