Oracle Card Reading for the Week of December 5, 2016

Oracle Card Reading for the Week of December 5, 2016 December 4, 2016

Today, we received the first real snow of Rochester. I am elated. It’s warm inside, the cats are playing, while outside magic blankets the earth and kisses the trees. I always think of e. e. cummings when it snows and that beautiful line, “the snow doesn’t give a soft white damn whom it touches.” 

 I hope it sticks. Global warming has reduced our Minnesota winters to 3ish months a year instead of 4-6 months. I know some people are happy about that, but I miss it. I digress. Today’s post is about the messages for you for the upcoming week. 

Ta’Om is on his head again. I say again because this same card came up for today’s daily reading on my Facebook page. He indicates lies found out, confusion about what is true, the dire need to acquire and use good sense, and the need to speak up in times when you have erroneously been silent. This message extends from today through Tuesday, it seems. So the utmost importance of it is tripled. The advice here if you are facing confusion about what is true is to fact check, ask, and verify. Trust your intuition as well. 

Oh, Death. Our friend who sweeps in change. Here she is pictured cloaked head to toe, holding a crystal ball. Even death doesn’t know what the future holds. She’s just saying that now, it’s now time for you to step forward into it, time to grieve what was and move toward what is and will be. There’s always anxiety around what we can’t predict or control, but that doesn’t mean it won’t be magical and wonderful. Step forward, my dears.

The Singer of Courage on its head denotes a lack of courage. The upcoming weekend is a time for you to move through the fear you may be experiencing. Moving beyond outgrown beliefs, attitudes, and habits can be scary because even if we know we need to move on, we also know the comfort of the familiar. But don’t limit yourself! You can be and do so much more than you give yourself credit for, and if you’re scared, the Singer of Courage will help you. Just ask. What are you really afraid of?  What else is present with your fear? 
Have a happy, warm, wonderful week!



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