August New Moon Message

August New Moon Message August 21, 2017

Happy new moon in Leo! As per usual I pulled three cards to see what the overall message is for everyone for this new moon, and unsurprisingly the message from the faeries is one of courage, dreams, and actions. 

Last month’s new moon was also in Leo, but this month’s new moon has the added zap of a solar eclipse, and you are asked to stretch beyond your previous limitations. Now is the time to move confidently in the direction of your dreams (to steal a line from Thoreau). You are being assisted by the Singer of Courage to see past your fear and into what you really want out of life. Ilbe the Retriever is holding out a dream you put on hold, and he believes you can do something with it now. 

You’ll have to release your old notions of what you are and aren’t capable of in order to make anything happen. It’s time to see that the possibilities are endless. Listen to your inner guidance in order to discern the right actions to take to get moving toward the life you envision for yourself. 

This is also a time to share your ideas and to try things with a light spirit. It’s ok if you try something and it doesn’t work out. Divorce yourself from the idea that failing at something makes you a failure, because it’s just not true. You’re being encouraged to get comfortable with being open to new things whether or not they will work out exactly the way you want. 

In other words, relax your grip, release the need to control the outcome, be brave, get in touch with your real dreams and then go for it! It’s not all as serious as we would like to make it out to be. 

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