New Moon Tarot Reading for December 2017

New Moon Tarot Reading for December 2017 December 17, 2017

Below is your New Moon Tarot Reading for December, 2017. I’m using the Joie de Vivre Tarot by Paulina Cassidy.

Tomorrow’s new moon in Sagittarius (occurring at 1:30AM) encourages you to put an end to all internal and external conflicts for this year. The Five of Wands is a reminder that although we may have issues within ourselves and with others, if we are creative we can find a solution that is respectful all around. This is the time to find the core of what really sets you spinning for better or for worse, and to make some necessary changes. Sagittarius will give an added boost to all conflict resolution and all wishes for peace of mind.

All new moons are opportunities for fresh starts, and we have the added energy of the Ace of Cups for fresh starts and new beginnings in love, all kinds of relationships, and spirituality. The Ace of Cups indicates a great opportunity for a heart-centered new beginning and a deeper rooted sense of self-love. If you have been struggling with loving yourself and others, and with forgiveness of yourself and others, this could be a breakthrough time for you.

Between the Ace of Cups and the Seven of Cups we have a unique window for finding real inner truth as well. If you’ve been toiling outside of your integrity, now is the time to hone in on who you are and what you really want- look not just to your ambitions, but to what they represent and what need you think they will fill. This reflection will encourage you to see clearly and to make better choices from your new understanding.

Overall between the three cards we have a theme of finding inner peace and deep, abiding love after solving and releasing conflict within ourselves and with others, bringing a new sense of clarity that will allow us to make better choices in the future for which we may be continuously fulfilled.

May you all take advantage of the opportunities presented to you, and be blessed! ✨�✨

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