December 2017 Full Moon Tarot Reading

December 2017 Full Moon Tarot Reading December 3, 2017

We’ve come upon our last full moon of the year, occurring in Gemini, and the focus has much to do with how we are using our energy particular in the areas that Gemini rules: communication skills, social ease, and positive daily interactions. For this month’s full moon tarot reading I’m using the Paulina Tarot by Paulina Cassidy.

Despite the pressures that come with the holiday season, you are being reminded to focus on joy and fun. Relax and trust that you are abundantly cared for, and that all your needs will be met. Go out to parties and other events with people who can help bring you out of your shell. An important aspect of the Sun card is the literal sun: the days are getting shorter still, so continue to seek out vitamin D and sunshine as much as you can to keep your spirits lifted. You are being reminded that the things you love to do are important to your overall well-being, and that this aspect of life is not to be neglected.

The Ten of Wands cautions you about the perils of taking on too much. So during this full moon, consider how you can simplify your life and what can be delegated to others. Burnout is so easy especially when you’re focusing more on what you feel must be done, instead of on what your own body, mind, and spirit needs. You don’t have to do it all. Put down your burdens and refocus on what is most important to you. If you’ve been carrying around old emotional burdens, now is also the time to forgive, let go, and resolve these issues.

A lot of emotional energy can be spent on fighting, or refusing to talk about what’s bothering you, or even on other peoples’ issues that don’t concern you. The Nine of Wands asks: how do you deal with conflict and confrontation? In what ways can you improve in how you handle these things? Conflict is a normal part of life, and how you handle it can either bring you closer to others, or drive a wedge deeper between you and others. Be courageous in speaking what’s in your mind and heart, and be courageous in allowing yourself to truly hear what others are saying to you as well. Be proactive with conflict resolution. Tie up loose ends with people in your life you may have wronged or left things unsaid with, and prepare to move forward.

Brightest Blessings! ✨�✨

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