Next on My Reading List

Next on My Reading List March 23, 2015

4743685974_cbc116c5a2Theodore Rex

Through a couple of articles and a documentary, I became interested in the life of Theodore Roosevelt late last year. Edmund Morris’ three volume biography has been a constant companion in 2015. The second volume, Theodore Rex, covers Roosevelt’s years as the twenty-sixth President of the United States. It begins with his train ride from Buffalo to Washington D.C. after the death of President William McKinley. Roosevelt’s work ethic, vigor, and courage provide a great example for men.

The Righteous Mind
Our culture has become increasingly polarized over the last decade and people on the opposite sides of debates tend to talk past each other. Social pyschologist Jonathan Haidt draws on his decades of research and explains how people arrive at their convictions and conclusions.

The Happy Christian
The winter months tend to be difficult for me as the lack of sunshine and early sundown lead me to a bit of melancholy every year. David Murray tackles our tendency towards negativity and shows us how the Gospel leads to lasting happiness and joy. (Hopefully I’ll have a review up on this one in the next few weeks.)

The Call of the Wild
Until last year I had not read much fiction, and now I wish I had started earlier. Reading good fiction is better than watching television because it engages our imaginations and stirs our thoughts. One of my personal goals has been to go back and reread some of the books I was assigned in middle and high school but never read. The Call of the Wild is the first stop on this tour and I hope to read The Great Gatsby and The Grapes of Wrath in the coming months.

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