September 10, 2013

This is story that is long overdue in being told. Imagine with me for a moment that you are a Princeton educated PhD, have a long tradition of being the guiding force behind a well known Pagan music group, that you have a great home, great job teaching at a college and a wonderful warm community of sisters and brothers to share your life with. Sounds pretty good doesn’t it? Now imagine that your faith and desire to serve the... Read more

September 9, 2013

Doubt, it’s a strong word that in our deepest heart we all deal with.  Intermittently I doubt self, divinity, my actions, my intent and those around me.  It is quite a revelation when some one who so loudly proclaims their beliefs to the world professes such a thing.  For a very long time I resisted my doubts, suspecting that they pointed to something about myself that was a weakness.  In my overconfidence I harbored a dark corner of doubt that... Read more

September 8, 2013

Priestess or Priest, these words invoke in Pagans many images. From the patriarchal constructs of major religions to the loving caring guides that lead our circles, conduct rituals and open their homes as a covensted. Within Pagondom, these roles carry a heavy burden. Priestesses and Priests are expected to be teacher, guide, organizer, financial planner, minister, ritual leader and numerous other roles. Without the construct of patriarchal top down organizational structure, tremendous responsibility and pressure falls upon those that we... Read more

September 6, 2013

The images from the Middle East are clear. Chemical weapons have been used against a civilian population. These weapons represent a form of warfare that was banned by more than 183 nations as beyond having any value to humanity. These uncontainable instruments of war are a scourge upon the planet on which we all live. There is no doubt that nations that use such weapons represent a grave threat to humanity as a whole. Where I diverge with the opinion... Read more

September 5, 2013

View From Our Fire Camp It is always a profound experience to return from the world of Wildfire to my life at home. Weeks of sixteen-hour days focused on an operational objective are replaced with respite, loving care and the stark reality of returning to my social networks. The combined herculean effort to tame a force of nature in the name of saving lives, homes and our natural environment leaves me grateful for my small roll in disaster response. For... Read more

August 19, 2013

Days of smoke, heat and intense focus on work have elapsed.  Idaho is burning, many homes have been lost and the battle continues. As I sit in the thick of the response effort I have no time for my beliefs, rituals, prayers or the Goddess herself.  All that I am is focused on achieving operational objectives, yet it is my take on these objectives that are the product of years of spiritual seeking and practice. High profile fires are burning;... Read more

August 1, 2013

That’s right, I strongly disagree with your interpretation of divinity, the Gods, worship or piety. So what am I going to do about it? Maybe un-friend you on Face Book, write a post tearing you a metaphorical ‘new one’ or demonstrate my need to be right by encouraging others to give no credibility to your views? Instead I think I will choose to celebrate our differences. Harvest. if you will, what has value in our discourse, demonstrate that respect for... Read more

July 26, 2013

Recent studies conducted by the Department of Education clearly point out that the employment slump has had a tremendous impact on English Teachers nation wide. Using an algorithm that detects insistences of grammar being corrected, with out provocation, the Education Department has determined that English Teachers must be facing unprecedented UN employment. Senior researcher Richard Tuttle, explained that “the hostile environment online where every random post is subjected to cross examination for inappropriately used verbs, subjugated verbs, commas, semi colons... Read more

July 21, 2013

There is an inner rage that is boiling just below the surface of the calm exterior I present. This rage was stoked by my participation in a protest yesterday concerning the death of Trayvon Martin. Surrounded by African Americans I let my voice be heard, stood for justice and called for the nation to truly manifest our Presidents’ call for community discussions about race. There in lies the rub, how in the world do we conduct such discussions when progressives,... Read more

July 15, 2013

Deep inside of me there is the belief that if my child were to meet an untimely end at the hands of a stranger there would be justice.  Police would investigate; prosecutors would involve me as the parent of the victim.  My community would recognize the tragedy. In my grief I would be comforted. Words of compassion would wash over me. The disbelief of everyone I know would remind me that in this nation we can seek justice, expect action,... Read more

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