December 11, 2014

Over the last few weeks I have had many conversations with individuals proclaiming that the current manifestation of “Black Lives Matter” needs to be adjusted: white washed into a broader more inclusive theme.  They further proclaim that the violence they are seeing in the media needs to be addressed. As I speak to these individuals they become offended when pressed on how their views, if adopted, will support the current oppressive system.  Many resort to stating something like “Don’t tell... Read more

December 9, 2014

Every year this list comes out listing 10 Pagans who I highly respect for their service to the Pagan Community.  Each year as the author I strive to list those individuals who I believe have had the most impact on our community.  The list is subjective, yet I strive to not only list those who I “like” or have relationships with, but instead those whose contributions are beyond question.  So here is my annual list.  Who would be on your... Read more

December 6, 2014

Activist around the country are energized.  An opportunity has arisen to affect true change in our culture that devalues and marginalizes people of color.   Inside we are all holding our collective breath and praying that this issue will stand, the American people will not once again turn away in boredom or even worse their collective need to not face the injustice that permeates our culture. We are protesting, creating face book memes, confronting outright racism on line and calling out... Read more

November 17, 2014

Well,  it has been some time since our faith system has had to choose if we are going to respond when organized Internet Trolls cast their hooks baited with lies and inflammatory statements.  Over the last few weeks the  “Disciples of the New Dawn” have posted some of the most hyperbolic insanity we have ever witnessed by individuals attempting to stir the pot of hatred and misinformation. Let’s be clear, these posts are pure troll behavior. There is extensive research making... Read more

November 14, 2014

“Gender binary, what are you some kind of left wing hippy” This was the response when I confronted a co-worker for telling a Trans Woman that  “you are a man, you can’t be here you have a penis”.  The entire situation saddened me and again got me to thinking about confronting the black and white thinking that is perpetuated around gender. On many levels I often take refuge in my spiritual community, here are individuals who understand, are willing to... Read more

November 12, 2014

  Homelessness Now Criminalized Those who follow activism closely are aware that the internet is often awash with hyperbole utilized to stir support for causes related to social justice. In this deafening symphony of notes demanding attention it is nearly impossible to discern which causes deserve support from the average activist with limited resources. Generally, social justice advocates come to adopt individual causes by following their compassion, which in turn leads to discovering their passion.  Incredible advances in social justice have... Read more

November 4, 2014

So I voted in the mid-term elections, reluctantly. As a witness to the wide spread corruption in our political system I took no great pleasure in casting most of my votes for candidates who will surly sell my values down the river after the polls close. For years, we have been deceived by one party or the other. Each bought and paid for by the big monies that flood the halls of power across our nation. I am tired Tired... Read more

October 30, 2014

As believers in manifesting our own destiny we often unintentionally ignore the contributions that our ancestors have made to our moral, intellectual and spiritual make up.  When I consider who I would be if my ancestors had made different choices, led different lives, I am profoundly affected by my realization of how much I am the sum of generations of choices. On a family level I wonder if my father had not told me stories, as a child, of his... Read more

October 15, 2014

For those in the disaster world it is a well-known principal that effective responses continue only as long as ongoing in depth coverage continues.  Today in West Africa dozens of patients, men, women and children will die.  Local West African health leaders plead for more funding, more responders and additional logistical support. The news in the west is awash with reports about 3 cases of Ebola in Texas; our President makes statements, experts pontificate and talking heads spin the news... Read more

October 9, 2014

Our nation announces we will build hospitals in West Africa; the world applauds and ignores the fact that the plan is to NOT have Americans staff these clinics. Compassion on the world stage evidently extends only to the point where our self-interest as a nation would be put at some risk. In the west,  a couple of Ebola cases fill the news, on the hour reports related to their condition and those they have infected focus our nation on “our... Read more

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