Pagan Trolls, A CALL FOR NON-ACTION November 17, 2014

Well,  it has been some time since our faith system has had to choose if we are going to respond when organized Internet Trolls cast their hooks baited with lies and inflammatory statements.  Over the last few weeks the  “Disciples of the New Dawn” have posted some of the most hyperbolic insanity we have ever witnessed by individuals attempting to stir the pot of hatred and misinformation.
Let’s be clear, these posts are pure troll behavior. There is extensive research making it clear that people who engage in such behaviors have sadistic personalities. They deliberately seek to inflame and cause emotional distress.  Once they have stirred the pot they sit back can feed upon the emotional reactions that in their sick little world represents the success of their action.
Today lets share with the entire community a commitment to the below principle:
Each time a community member engages these people their twisted little minds are nourished by our revulsion.  As a community, lets starve these trolls and hope that their discomfort prompts them to get the physiological help they so desperately need.
Please share this call to unified non-action and deprive these individuals of the attention they seek. If you feel you must take action, report their posts to Face Book, but do not comment on, share or repost their dribble, when we do engage we support their twisted feeding frenzy.
May the Goddess, in her compassion heal these individuals need for causing emotional  damage.

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