September 1, 2014

It is an experience most within the Pagan community have had.  In our interactions we discover that an individual we are interacting with does not live up to our expectations in terms of belief, follow through, ability or view of social justice.  Our pre-conceptions are shattered; we question our own judgment in engaging with the individual, examine how “different” they are in the light of day and realize our mistake. Therein is the rub. It is our mistake. In our... Read more

August 30, 2014

Darkness surrounds, small, encased in Gaia, nourished by organic matter from years past, I remain miniscule in the universal scale of things.  I can sense the potential I possess, moisture soaks down upon me from above, stirring my centuries of evolution. With each drop of moisture I begin to spread, tapping the limitless source of nutrients provided by my ancestors.  Calling from above there is warmth, a promise of growth, of reaching my potential. Stirring within me is the calling... Read more

August 29, 2014

Ebola is emerging as a threat to thousands of lives; the images of desperate communities are seared upon our collective conscious.  In Europe, war has broken out, as the actors in the conflict continue to side step any responsibility. Images of bombed out cities flash across screens piling the horrors of war upon our daily menu of information to digest. Terror has gripped the Middle East; innocents are murdered in the name of a group using an acronym that defiles... Read more

August 4, 2014

World events once again have manifested violence on an un-imaginable scale. Across our nation protests are raging, some against the violence of Palestinian organizations and some laser sighted on the state sponsored violence perpetrated by Israel. Pressing upon our community is our response and “position” on these issues. The temptation is to take sides, engage the established dialectic and choose  allies.  Internationally the established narrative is one of blame, distrust and division. What I propose for the Goddess community is... Read more

August 1, 2014

With the news of the passing of Margot Adler our community manifests remembrances of a pillar of the Pagan community. Even more, there is the recounting of her considerable contributions to journalism, activism, and National Public Radio. It was years after becoming Pagan that I first read her foundational book on the emerging Pagan community.  As such, I have little connection to the awakening referenced by others as a result of exposure to her work.  Nor do I count my... Read more

July 10, 2014

Over the course of the last few years my social justice work has led me to be involved in many causes.  Each effort has deeply affected me in ways that I struggle to verbalize. One of these causes is Transgender rights.  Working to have all of humanity recognized as sacred, valuable and deserving of human dignity is for me the very foundation of social justice. As part of following the issues I am involved in I joined a Face Book... Read more

May 12, 2014

Activism is by its’ very nature is an activity that transcends social norms and calls attention to issues and situations that have not gotten enough attention from established institutions, organizations and communities. Recently Activism has become a popular subject with individuals who are long-term members of established organizations touting their credentials as activists. While these individuals may be incredibly effective members of service organizations they are not necessarily qualified to claim the title activist. Over the past few months these... Read more

March 30, 2014

It is tempting to give into the idea, sold daily by our culture, that we as “Old White Guys” are still attractive to young gorgeous women. We are repeatedly subjected to the narrative that our status, our money, our influence, our “handsome” graying temples transcend what the mirror makes obvious. These cultural messages tempt us to engage in beliefs that support the idea that “power over” relationships are acceptable. They are not! As we grow older we have a place... Read more

March 9, 2014

Black Ogre’s Uncle There is an undeniable pulling of my heartstrings that goes unnamed as time passes. As these strings are pulled I am drawn to the realization that I am in need of healing, re evaluation and centering.  With ever more force the yearning to take action, delve deep and manifest healing upon this unnamed affliction overwhelms me. This is an internal call to spiritual healing, as every day life encroaches upon my spiritual center I find my self... Read more

February 22, 2014

As the world watches the incredible events in the Ukraine,  Arizona quietly retreats social justice into the Dark Ages.  By passing a bill that allows establishments to refuse to serve individuals who place a “substantial burden on their sincerely held religious beliefs” the state has opened a Pandora’s box of discrimination, hatred and bigotry. The national discussion of the law has focused on LGBT rights and the bills intent to focus on what the right wing terms a “religious freedom”... Read more

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