Pagan & Shinto News: Experienced Witch in New “Charmed” Writing Team

Pagan & Shinto News: Experienced Witch in New “Charmed” Writing Team August 9, 2018

A little early this week due to scheduling issues…

Top stories in Paganism and Shinto for August 5th – 9th:

  • Experienced witch in the writing team of the new series of Charmed
  • Wisconsin county supervisor says Wiccans pray to the devil in invocation dispute
  • Tanabata Star Festival underway in Sendai

Pagan News

Brown County Courthouse, Wisconsin. By Chris Rand [CC BY-SA 4.0 (], from Wikimedia Commons
Experienced witch in the writing team of the new series of Charmed
SyFy Wire
The writer was later identified as Marcos Luevanos, a writer and producer on the new show who’s worked on Life in Pieces and is a member of a coven…

Wisconsin county supervisor says Wiccans pray to the devil in invocation dispute
The Wild Hunt
Patrick Evans is reported as saying that “If they are Wiccan, they pray to the devil”…

Unicorn riders, shamans and goths gather to celebrate Pagan Pride
Nottinghamshire Live
Pagan Pride was held in the Arboretum this year and the colourful crowd enjoyed sweltering heat as well as some unusual entertainment…

Pagan librarians rescue books, preserve history
The Wild Hunt
Michael Smith, acting director of the New Alexandrian Library, became spellbound as he was packing up books and materials recently donated by the Theosophical Society of Washington, D.C., including four decades of bound volumes of Theosophist magazines dating to 1901…

Tailtiu remembered at Lughnasa
The Irish Echo
Lughnasa traditionally falls at the midway point between the summer solstice and the autumn equinox…

Shinto News

Sendai Tanabata Festival, 2005. By Atsi Otani at en.wikipedia (Transferred from en.wikipedia) [CC BY-SA 2.0 (, GFDL ( or CC-BY-SA-3.0 (], from Wikimedia Commons
Tanabata Star Festival underway in Sendai
NHK World
The Tanabata Star Festival has opened in Sendai, northeastern Japan, filling the main shopping arcade in the city with colorful bamboo decorations…

LA Tanabata Festival celebrates 10th anniversary
Rafu Shimpo
The Los Angeles Tanabata Festival celebrates its 10th anniversary this year as part of the annual Nisei Week Japanese Festival on Saturday and Sunday, August 11-12, in historic Little Tokyo…

PM Abe to avoid Yasukuni Shrine visit ahead of talks with President Xi
Japan Times
Abe plans to avoid visiting Yasukuni Shrine in Tokyo on the Aug. 15 anniversary of Japan’s surrender in World War II, the officials said. The Shinto facility, which honors Japan’s war dead along with Class-A war criminals, is regarded by China as a symbol of the nation’s past militarism…

Spirited Away: An Argument for Animism
Another Breed Of Faith
After the film, as I sat in the theater trying to understand what it had done to me, I realized I deeply wanted that childhood belief in animism to be real again. I wanted to feel that ancient conviction that the world is alive…

Other News

People encouraged to ‘forest bathe’ during Lúnasa festival
The Irish News
People are being encouraged to get involved in the immersive experience of ‘forest bathing’ and connect with the ancient landscape in south Armagh…

Why Did the Welsh Bury Their Dead at Stonehenge?
Study suggests cremated remains found at the site belong to outsiders who may have brought stones from Welsh quarry, aided monument’s construction…

How ancient cultures explained comets and meteors
The Conversation UK
Comets and meteors have fascinated the human race since they were first spotted in the night sky. But without science and space exploration to aid understanding of what these chunks of rock and ice are, ancient cultures often turned to myth and legend to explain them…

Man accused of chaining, torturing kids over witchcraft
Punch, Nigeria
A man, identified simply as Johnson, has been accused of chaining and torturing his two children over alleged witchcraft…

Man Killed Over Witchcraft In Odisha
A youth was allegedly beaten to death over suspicion of practising witchcraft at Pidhapokhari village under Bamebari police limits of Keonjhar district.

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