Pagan & Shinto News: J.K Rowling Announces Four More Harry Potter Short Books

Pagan & Shinto News: J.K Rowling Announces Four More Harry Potter Short Books June 3, 2019

Top stories in Paganism and Shinto this week:

  • J.K Rowling announces four more Harry Potter short books
  • Trump becomes first US president to watch sumo
  • Once-in-a-decade boat festival draws crowds in western Japan

Read more below…

Left and centre: Pixabay. Right: Horanenya festival, Matsue, James Alexander Jack [CC BY-SA 3.0]

Pagan News

Vatican-sponsored conference on exorcisms includes concerns about Witchcraft
The Wild Hunt
Hollywood and social media are proliferating new pathways for demonic possession according to the organizers of the “Course on Exorcism and Prayers of Liberation.” That includes what they perceive as the growing interest in Witchcraft and Paganism among young people…

Solstice arrives, and more top stargazing events in June
National Geographic
Planets big and small shining at their best and the moon in motion also offer reasons to look up this month…

Walt Whitman: Proto-Pagan At 200
Patheos Pagan: Tom Swiss
May 31, 2019 marks the 200th anniversary of Whitman’s birth. It seems appropriate to reflect on his legacy…

Women’s health and reproductive rights are Pagan rights
The Wild Hunt
The last few weeks have seen a landslide of laws passed that impact the health and reproductive rights of women and others who could become pregnant…

Artemis and the modern womMan’s rights
Dawson Creek Mirror
Let`s start this by saying, as a pagan, I do not worship any and all gods and goddesses out there…

Why Can’t There Be Christian Witches?
Patheos Pagan: Jason Mankey
I noticed someone on social media lamenting a Christian Witches convention that took place in Salem Massachusetts this past April. Never mind that the event is already over with, I’m much more bothered by the policing of both the Witch and Christian worlds, and the idea that there’s “no such thing as a Christian witch.”…

Soviet power gone, Baltic countries’ historic pagan past re-emerges
Religion News Service
While pagan and folk religions may seem archaic to the wider world, they are thriving across the Baltic states…

Yes, Witches Are Real. I Know Because I Am One
Witches have always walked among us, populating societies and storyscapes across the globe for thousands of years…

Do We Need Pan-Pagan Clergy? (I Don’t Think So)
Patheos Pagan: Jason Mankey
I have a deep seated skepticism of people who advocate for “full time Pagan clergy.”…

Intuitive Witchcraft: A New Way Of Looking At Eclectic Witchcraft/Paganism
Patheos Pagan: Astrea
Announcement time: I wrote a book called Intuitive Witchcraft! Ever since it became available to pre-order, I’ve been getting a lot of questions about what Intuitive Witchcraft is exactly…

Shinto News

Traditional ‘Horan-Enya’ boat festival draws huge crowds in western Japan
The Mainichi
Hundreds of thousands of people gathered on the banks of the Ohashi River in Shimane Prefecture in late May to witness the passage of some 100 colorfully decorated boats in a festival held only once every decade…

Sacred deer in Nara, Japan, killed by plastic bag waste
The Times
The furry messengers of the Shinto gods are one of Japan’s most famous attractions and draw millions of tourists each year. But the sacred deer of the ancient city of Nara are being threatened by plastic bags…

Japan court dismisses South Korea Yasukuni suit
A Japanese court ruled Tuesday ethnic Koreans memorialized at Yasukuni Shrine are not eligible for removal from the shrine’s list of names of more than 2 million men, women and children…

Artist Miwa Komatsu wows Cleveland audience with live painting performance at Shinto exhibition
The Japan Times
Wearing a pure white hakama (wide-legged pants worn over a kimono), a young Japanese woman appears on stage in the glass-covered atrium of the Cleveland Museum of Art (CMA) in Cleveland, Ohio…

How many jewels?
When English texts talk about the Three Sacred Treasures, they always talk about the Mirror, the Sword, and the Jewel…

Other News

J.K Rowling announces four more Harry Potter short books
South Wales Argus
Harry Potter fans can rejoice as author J.K Rowling has announced four new books…

Trump watches sumo, but it’s not just a sport in Japan
Mail Online
President Donald Trump watched sumo wrestling with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe on Sunday, becoming the first American leader to do so…

2,000-year-old marble head of god Dionysus discovered under Rome
The Telegraph
Archeologists in Rome have stumbled on a large marble head of Dionysus, also known as Bacchus, the ancient Roman god of wine, dance and fertility…

Proof of the ancient Hekate cult found
Neos Kosmos
The oldest evidence of the cult of ancient mythological figure Hekate has been discovered by a team of Italian archaeologists in an ancient Greek city in Sicily…

Upcoming conference showcases Celtic artistry and scholarship
The Wild Hunt
After some 20 years of planning, the first International Conference for Celtic Artists will soon be held on the third annual International Day of Celtic Art…

Manhattanhenge 2019: When and Where to Watch, If Weather Permits
The New York Times
This week could be your chance to take “the best sunset picture of the year” in New York…

The Congolese storyteller drawing on African mythology and spirituality for his comic books
His earlier work is a great contrast to his new fantasy comic series, Little Little Orishas that draws inspiration from Yoruba spirituality with his characters as revered deities…

The Pendle Witches: How fear, rumour and feuds led to the infamous trial and death
You couldn’t find chaos here if you tried but on the sign for the Pendle Inn, there stands a picture showing an atypical witch on her broomstick, a comical image that harks back to a strange and bloody episode of Britain’s past…

Were the witches of Royston real or imagined?
Royston Crow
In 1542, Parliament passed the Witchcraft Act which defined witchcraft – the perceived facility to summon evil spirits and demons to do harm to others – as a crime punishable by death…

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