Intuitive Witchcraft: A New Way Of Looking At Eclectic Witchcraft/Paganism

Intuitive Witchcraft: A New Way Of Looking At Eclectic Witchcraft/Paganism May 31, 2019

Announcement time: I wrote a book called Intuitive Witchcraft!  Ever since it became available to pre-order, I’ve been getting a lot of questions about what Intuitive Witchcraft is exactly.  I figured I’d use this post to answer some of those questions.

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Max Pixel, CC0 

Intuitive witchcraft is a form of eclectic witchcraft or paganism.  It’s similar in that it has no rules.  There are no requirements to worship any gods, work with spirits, or cast a circle!  The only guidelines are: follow your intuition, sense the energies at hand, and work the energy to create the magic you wish to see in the world.  These differences separate an intuitive witchcraft practice from an eclectic one, much in the same way that working with herbs and plants is the mark of a green witch. 

 Intuitive witchcraft starts with being grounded in your body.  It’s about being fully present, from the crown of your head to the tips of your fingers and toes.  Being grounded in your body helps you be aware of how you really feel.  The maxims “know thyself” and “to thine own self, be true” ring true here. 
intuitive witchcraft

Once you’re present in your body and start to become more secure, you can start to hear your intuition better.  Intuition is sometimes called ‘the little voice’ inside our minds.  This is not the same as your fears or traumas.  It’s not the negative, nagging voice in your head, either.  Intuition always has your best interest at heart.  At times, the internal voice might seem far away, but the more we practice accessing it, the easier it becomes to hear the little voice.

If your intuition does not come to you as an inner voice, it’s likely that you feel energy instead, as a form of non-verbal intuition.  You can feel when you are happy, and when the energy of a situation is alright.  You also are very aware of when the energy is not happy or good.  It’s very important to listen to those feelings.   Go toward whatever feels right.  Make changes in your life with whatever feels bad–see if you can remove/transmute/change it.

intuitive witchcraft Mattheus-Bertelli-girl-hope-maiden-ostara-equinox-pexels-CC0
Mattheus-Bertelli, courtesy of Pexels, CC0

Once you have a handle on your own “intuitive operating system,” you can use intuitive witchcraft.  Here are a few ways to use it in your regular practice:

  • When choosing tarot cards or runes, really feel the energy of them and which one you are attracted to. 
  • Create a list of your own personal correspondences.  Determine how each plant feels to you, and how it can be an ally. 
  • Create your own spells. Only use words that resonate with you.
  • Raise energy in ritual in whatever intuitive manner feels right for your ritual.  
  • Create your own rituals using your intuition.  It’s not hard to do this. Just follow your intuition when it comes to the actions that are needed.  Make the energetic changes to whatever you have on hand. 
  • Create a daily practice that supports your intuition.  Make your mornings more magical and start your day off right, with intention.  Or, choose a nightly practice that connects you to your spirit.
  • Choose which “holidays” you honor — are you the type that resonates with the full moons and the solar sabbats?  Or would you rather observe the solar shift through the zodiac signs?  It’s up to you.

These examples involve using your intuition and a lot of energy-sensing. The more you practice, the stronger your own intuitive witchcraft will become.  

Circle Dancing, Franz Stuck, Wikimedia Commons

Anyone can use intuitive witchcraft, from a solitary working on their own; to the member of a coven or circle who has a side-practice; to the leader of a circle or coven, who uses intuitive witchcraft to craft the ritual for that very moment, with the energy on-hand.

Intuition isn’t the same as being psychic.  Intuition is about sensing what’s inside your own body and how you react to external stimuli, while being psychic is about sensing what’s outside of the body.

Defining one’s practice as “intuitive witchcraft” as opposed to “eclectic” means you follow a few guidelines.  It’s more than what seems interesting.  There’s a bit more thought and identity brought into it.  In other words, there’s a reason why you you the things you do: because they feel right, as opposed to them seeming interesting.  Instead of the unwritten motto of “whatever goes” with eclectic practices, there’s more likely to be an awareness of energy and a “whatever flows” mentality.  

intuitive witchcraft book magic magick pagan llewellyn eclectic witch astrea

If you liked these thoughts, you can pre-order Intuitive Witchcraft (Llewellyn, 2020).  I haven’t received many reviews yet, but Jason Mankey called it “tremendous.”  

You can also check out my other articles that support intuitive witchcraft (below), or subscribe to my blog newsletter.  I’ll be posting more about intuitive witchcraft now that the cat is out of the bag.  

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~ Align with Starlight Witch ~

Intuitive Witchcraft Book (Llewellyn)

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About Astrea
Astrea is the author of Intuitive Witchcraft: How To Use Intuition To Elevate Your Craft (Llewellyn Worldwide). She also leads the fire dancing group Aurora Fire and stirs up magic for the Blessed Be Box, the service that ships a "ritual in a box" with all vegan and cruelty-free items. You can read more about the author here.

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