
intuitive witchcraft book magic magick pagan llewellyn eclectic witch astrea

Intuitive Witchcraft: How To Use Your Intuition To Elevate Your Craft

This book provides the tools and techniques you need to build your intuition and witchcraft together, uniting them in a practice that allows you to follow your heart and spirit. Featuring exercises, examples, activities, and rituals, this book helps you find your magical path—intuitively—based on personal experience.

Celebrate the truth of who you are and embrace the wisdom of your inner voice with this inspiring guide. Beginners and advanced practitioners alike can use Intuitive Witchcraft to manifest their desires in an intuitive way and find greater energy and willpower to harness the enormous magical potential within. Featuring insights from some of the best writers, thinkers, and leaders in their fields, this book helps you become your most empowered self.

Order Intuitive Witchcraft at your favorite indie bookstore, or on AmazonLlewellyn WorldwideBarnes and Noble, or Indie Bound.

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Air Magic Magick Witchcraft Witch Book

Air Magic

Filled with spells, rituals, recipes, meditations, and correspondences, this second entry in Llewellyn’s new Elements of Witchcraft series strengthens your connection to the element of air. Astrea Taylor presents amazing methods for activating the air energy within you.

Discover practical techniques for incorporating incense, sound, wind, voice, and smell into your practice. Explore the history, folklore, and modern uses of air magic. This enlightening book also features contributions from well-known writers, including Laura Tempest Zakroff and Phoenix LeFae. With captivating insights on air deities, animal guides, sacred sites, herbs, crystals, and more, Air Magic empowers you to master this essential element.

Order Air Magic at your favorite indie bookstore or on Llewellyn Worldwide, Barnes and NobleIndie Bound, or Amazon.

witch's companion llewellynLlewellyn’s 2021 Witches’ Companion

This fantastic series provides spiritual inspiration and insight. I wrote a passage about Magical Morning Practices.

51FEgTKJezL._SX326_BO1,204,203,200_Belle Dame Sans Merci

In this young adult, dark fantasy version of Beauty and the Beast, Belle’s hobbies include reading books, traveling to exotic places, and killing evil people to get enough karma to go to heaven. She’s a temp in hell, which is a maze of cubicles far below the earth’s surface. She works alongside gossipy gargoyles, jackals, and golums. Her best friend, Typhoid Mary, from the Poisoner Division, lifts her spirits, but nothing can make up for working in hell. The office politics, mismanagement, and constant stench of sulfur make her job miserable.

Belle is hunting down a murderer when she gets a text that Lucifer wants to meet with her. Could today be the day – could she be released to heaven? Or, if her snarky coworker Nosferatu is right, she might be in trouble. There’s a rumor the Beast eats errant temps.

When Lucifer locks Belle away in a dungeon, her rebellion comes out. She vows to kill the Beast. There’s only one problem. She has to rely upon her wits alone to survive the ordeal.

This book is a twist on Beauty and the Beast themes, but there’s more fantasy, adventure, horror, twists, and turns than the original fairy tale could ever dream of. There’s a gaggle of witches who fly on broomsticks, harpies, magic, monsters, Mephistopheles, sacrifices, literary references, and more.

Belle Dame Sans Merci

41C7onMkIiLHouse of Transformation

Ananda is a bigger-than-life pop star, but the paparazzi won’t leave her alone and she’s tired of being smeared on the Enquirer every month for her drug addiction. After a mental breakdown, she goes home to her old friend Mag, and asks for her help.

Knowing how many pop stars die young, Mag will do anything to help Ananda, including losing her dignity, facing her greatest fears, and uncovering the truth about what happened at the House of Transformation.

A dual storyline portrays the women at their coming of age, when they lived together at a place called the House of Transformation — a place of art, love, and a terrible tragedy that still haunts them. No one escaped the House of Transformation without scars, some of them worse than others.

Mag does her best to help Ananda get clean, but twists and turns keep wellness outside of arm’s reach. With the clock ticking until a contractually obligated Grammy performance, will Ananda have another break down or a breakthrough?

House of Transformation


Praise for House of Transformation

“A great debut for the author, and a biting social commentary on celebrity and pop culture.” — Vice Magazine

“[She] writes with a punchy flair… an entertaining and thoughtful account of loss and artistic ambition.” — Kirkus Reviews

“The author does a superb job of revealing how the friendship between the two women develops, decays, then is slowly restored…  [her] literary debut is an auspicious one.” — Dayton Daily News

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