Pagan & Shinto News: Ritualistic Artifacts Found At ‘Temple Of The Pharaohs’ In Egypt

Pagan & Shinto News: Ritualistic Artifacts Found At ‘Temple Of The Pharaohs’ In Egypt September 26, 2021

Top stories of the week in Paganism and Shinto:

  • Ritualistic artifacts found at ‘Temple of the Pharaohs’ in Egypt
  • UK: Stonehenge autumn equinox gathering first since start of pandemic
  • UK: PM urged to abandon Stonehenge tunnel plans

Read more below…

*=Registration may be required.

Left: Statue of Hathor, Yair Haklai, CC BY-SA 4.0. Right: Stonehenge, Pixabay

Autumn Equinox Coverage

UK: Stonehenge autumn equinox gathering first since start of pandemic
Hundreds of people have gathered at Stonehenge to watch the sunrise on the first official day of autumn…

UK: Druids gather in London for 300-year-old ancient ceremony to mark autumn equinox
Central Recorder
A group of druids gathered in London yesterday to hold a ceremony celebrating the autumn equinox, marking the arrival of the harvest…

Autumn Equinox: The celebrations that will follow the Harvest Moon
Salisbury Journal
From Wednesday 22 September, you’ll notice the days start to get darker more quickly and you might even feel a nip in the air…

How to celebrate autumn equinox
At its core, the energy of this festival is all about gratitude and thanks for what has been reaped thus far in the year, with an eye to the hardships of winter, and a recognition of a mental and physical adjustment needed for the darker, longer nights and harder conditions ahead…

Meaning behind the first day of the season and the pagan festival Mabon explained
The autumn equinox marks the moment the Earth’s equator passes directly through the centre of the sun’s path…

Fall equinox 2021—what it means and the best ritual to mark this important astrological event
Women and Home
Fall equinox 2021 will bring an opportunity to address areas in your life which are in desperate need of balancing…

Autumn Equinox 2021: the science behind the changing seasons
The Telegraph*
When does autumn begin, and what happens during the equinox?…

Autumn Equinox: 9 brilliant seasonal craft ideas kids will love
The Independent
There are lots of fantastic DIY craft projects that celebrate the season of Halloween and hibernation, and they’re easy to make using natural materials and a few essential art supplies…

Pagan News

UK: Organisers ‘thrilled’ for return of city’s pagan and alternative fayre
Ely Standard
From handmade jewellery to crystals and metal work will be on offer for visitors to this year’s Ely Autumn Pagan and Alternative Fayre…

US: A survivor shares a warning against criminals preying on Pagans
The Wild Hunt
In August TWH published a brief update about the convicted killer, Ivan Cales losing his second appeal and attempt to overturn his conviction for murdering Roxanne Houston in 2014…

Singapore’s modern-day witch earns over RM216,906 a month offering spiritual and sex-positive services
Malay Mail
Singaporean self-proclaimed clairvoyant Bambi Leong earns over S$70,000 (RM 216,906) a month casting spells, reading tarot cards, selling haunted dolls and making genitalia-shaped candles…

US: Chicago witchcraft store Malliway Bros invites customers to Rogers Park shop as spooky season approaches
California News Times
Mariway Brothers opened the door last month after moving to a larger space in the Rogers Park area of ​​1407 W. Morse Avenue…

US: The ritualist is a magical shop for witchy goods in New Paltz
Hudson Valley Magazine
The Ulster County storefront is the perfect place to stock up on witchcraft-related products like herbal elixirs, tarot cards, and crystals…

Iceland: Thor is beating the Lutheran church in a battle for believers in the land of fire and ice
As a heathen movement first practiced by the early Vikings who trolled Iceland’s eastern shores, Ásatrú was resurrected from a 1,000-year sleep a few decades ago…

How women helped shape Halloween history with 2000-year-old traditions
Women and Home
Women have long played an important role in the spooky autumn festival…

FYI: There are many types of witches
Witches are here to stay, ppl, and maybe you’re amongst their growing number already. But which witch are you? Here are some types of witches to learn more about…

Shinto News

Japan PM contenders welcome Taiwan’s trade pact bid but divided on Yasukuni shrine
Nearly eight decades after the end of the war, Yasukuni remains a potent symbol of the wartime legacy in East Asia, and visits by Japanese leaders infuriate old wartime foes such as China and South Korea…

Appreciating the moon in Japan, land of the rising sun
Unseen Japan
Although Japan is the land of the rising sun, with its indigenous religion centering around the sun goddess, we cannot overlook the importance of the moon in Japan’s culture…

Preserve a piece of Japanese culture during Corona with your own mini shrine hand-washing ladle
Take your own hishaku ladle with you to purify yourself before entering a Shinto shrine…

Attitudes to Shinto
The overall message of the training session was that jinja could no longer expect to survive by simply continuing as before…

A Shinto god guiding women’s path
The Mainichi
For the third article of this series, Takahashi visited Karamatsu Jinja, a Shinto shrine, in the city of Daisen…

Other News

Ritualistic artifacts found at ‘Temple of the Pharaohs’ in Egypt
Live Science
The artifacts were used to worship Hathor, the goddess of the sky, and other deities…

UK: PM urged to abandon Stonehenge tunnel plans
Campaigners have written an open letter to Prime Minister Boris Johnson calling on him to abandon plans to build a tunnel near Stonehenge…

The epic adventures of the Gilgamesh Dream tablet
An ancient clay tablet displaying part of the story of a superhuman king will be returned to Iraq by the US on Thursday…

‘Witch Hunts’ Past & Present

Nigeria: How to end ‘witch’ bloodletting in Adamawa
Modern Ghana
The Advocacy for Alleged Witches (AfAW) calls on the government and people of Adamawa to take urgent measures to end the savage treatment and killing of suspected ‘witches’ in the state…


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