Top stories of the week in Paganism and Shinto:
- US: Pagan, Christian clergy urge interfaith understanding
- Three Chechen women publicly scolded for witchcraft
- Gate to temple of Zeus unearthed in Magnesia, Turkey
Read more below…
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Pagan News
US: Pagan, Christian clergy urge interfaith understanding
The Washington Post
The two clergymen — Stark, ordained by the international heathen organization The Troth, and Behrendt by the mainline Evangelical Lutheran Church in America — hosted “ A Pagan and a Pastor: A Necessary Conversation ” Thursday evening (Sept. 30) at Trinity in Waupaca, Wisconsin…
UK: Organiser hails record-breaking pagan and alternative fayre
Ely Standard
Over 700 people turned out for Ely’s Autumn Pagan and Alternative Fayre at what was a record-breaking event…
US: Columbia’s Conclave of the Craft plans more celebratory Samhain this year
Columbia Daily Tribune
A Columbia-based pagan society and church plans to take a more celebratory approach this year to Samhain, commonly referred to as Halloween by the non-pagan population…
UK: Witch woman opens her own shop in Merseyside centre
Liverpool Echo
An 18-year-old “witch” has opened her own shop in a Merseyside shopping centre…
US: Ithaca College’s Pagan community hosts a moon ritual
Ithca Week
On Sept. 20 members of the Pagan Community and other Ithaca College students gathered near Mueller Chapel to take part in a moon ritual…
Some Greeks have returned to worshipping gods of ancient Greece
Greek Reporter
Several different organizations and events exist that are working to create modern forms of celebration and ritual around the Greek gods…
Witchcraft is the new black
The Heights
or the longest time the Witches have been met with suspicion, hostility, and outright violence as a result of this false narrative and other misunderstandings. All of that is changing, however, as the movement gains momentum and becomes more mainstream…
Shinto News
Korea: DP leader congratulates PM Kishida on election victory, urges against Yasukuni Shrine visit
The Korea Herald
The chairman of the ruling Democratic Party (DP) on Friday congratulated Fumio Kishida on his recent victory in the Japanese ruling party’s leadership race and urged the incoming prime minister to avoid making a diplomatic faux pas, such as visiting the controversial Yasukuni Shrine…
US: Oklahoma State University set to celebrate 20th annual Harvest Moon Festival
OSU News and Media
Oklahoma State University will host a milestone 20th anniversary celebration of the Harvest Moon Festival from 5 to 7:30 p.m. Oct. 9 just north of the library on the International Mall…
Hunting for dragons in the mountains of Nikko
Japan Today
Dragon hunting may not be the first thing one thinks of when thinking of a visit to Nikko in Tochigi Prefecture, but in fact, the hunting there is excellent and anyone can do it. It’s a great way to further enhance the delightful sightseeing of this stunning area…
Other News
Gate to temple of Zeus unearthed in Magnesia, Turkey
Greek Reporter
The ancient Greek city of Magnesia in Asia Minor, now part of Turkey’s Aydin province, was home to a spectacular stadium, temples and other monuments; it has now given up another of its ancient treasures, the gate to a temple dedicated to Zeus…
UNESCO calls on UK to ‘reconsider’ returning Parthenon Marbles to Greece
UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) is urging the British Museum to reconsider repatriating the Parthenon Marbles to Greece and to enter talks on the issue, Greek Culture Minister Lina Mendoni said on Thursday…
Greek gods come to life in archaeological finds from Turkey
Greek Reporter
An archaeological discovery in Turkey resulted in the unearthing of dozens of terracotta figurines depicting ancient Greek gods, men, women, and animals…
‘Witch Hunts’ Past & Present
Three Chechen women publicly scolded for witchcraft
Caucasian Knot
The head of the Islamic Medicine Centre has chastised three women from Chechnya on state TV for engaging in occultism…
Witch-hunt murders surge in Democratic Republic of Congo
The Guardian
Eight women have been burned to death or lynched in South Kivu province this month, say officials…
India: Three members of a family killed for ‘practising witchcraft’ in Jharhand
The New Indian Express
Three members of a family were axed to death allegedly for ‘practising witchcraft’ in Jharkhand’s Gumla district, a senior police officer on Sunday said…
India: Tribal woman forced to leave home after villagers blame her of ‘practicing witchcraft’
The New Indian Express
A tribal woman has been forced to leave village along with her family and take refuge in Khunti after death-threats given by the villagers charging her of ‘practicing witchcraft’…
Ghana: Pastor and “exorcist” jailed 15 years for defiling “a witch”
New Ghana
Pastor Daniel Akuffo has been sentenced to 15 years’ imprisonment by an Accra Circuit Court for having sex with a 14-year-old girl under the pretext of exorcising her of “witchcraft”…
South Africa: Geriatrics living with dementia being killed after being accused of ‘witchcraft’
Sunday World
Senseless killings of geriatrics living with dementia, particularly Alzheimer’s disease, has now propelled the Department of Social Development (DSD) to take a stand and create awareness around the condition…
A new exhibition gets at the truth behind the Salem witch trials. in some ways, it’s scarier than the lore
The Peabody Essex Museum’s show reveals chilling primary documents and draws eerie parallels with our current cultural moment…
Salem Witch Trials: Who were the main accusers?
Though adult women—and a few men—accused their neighbors of witchcraft in 1692, the core group of accusers were girls…