Isaac Bonewits, Hail and Farewell!

Isaac Bonewits, Hail and Farewell! August 12, 2010

This morning Pagan elder Isaac Bonewits crossed over to the Summerlands. I never really knew Isaac but like many modern Pagans I certainly felt his influence. There is a lovely eulogy for Isaac on The Wild Hunt this morning that is far more eloquent than I am capable of today.

Here is also a video tribute created by ADF Vice Archdruid Seamus:

I honor Isaac for his contributions to Modern Paganism, for his tireless efforts on behalf of his spiritual community and for his good humor and grace while battling cancer. I honor him for his humanity and hope to learn from his life journey.

As sad as I am regarding his passing, he is now beyond the veil and while we reverence his memory, we also need to remember to support his family in their time of grief. Isaac leaves behind a son, Arthur, and a widow, Phaedra, who need all of our love and support.

Tonight I will honor Isaac Bonewits as I honor all the trailblazers who have paved the way for Modern Paganism at my own private altar. I will wish him “Hail and Farewell”. Then I will focus my energy and love towards Phaedra and Arthur. Whatever we as a community feel about Isaac’s passing is nothing compared to their grief. Join in me in sending them love and support: prayers, messages of condolence and support, candles, energy and, if you can, donations to help offset the medical and funerary costs.

We walk the paths cleared by those before us and we build upon the foundations they laid. Our momentum comes from those before us and will be passed to those who come after. Regardless of the differences in our paths and views, I honor those whose passion and commitment gave birth to the communities and traditions of the Modern Pagan movement. I honor those who sacrificed their time, energy, creativity, love and resources to the cause of Modern Paganism. Isaac Bonewits, I thank you for taking up the torch to guide us into the future. May you find rest and joy in the Summerlands. I bid you Hail and Farewell!

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