Revivals Needed?

Revivals Needed? April 20, 2011

I’m tired today. I finally finished a project that has consumed so much of my time you’d think it was some kind of chrono-cancer. I’m worn out, stressed and desperately in need of revival.

Our body, mind and spirit need revival. Our lives are cyclical, and like the earth we sometimes need a chance to restore and renew ourselves. To reach towards the source with joyful song. Yet, revival doesn’t come unbidden like the spring. Revival requires work on our part. We have to seek it, create it, plan for it and commit to it.

As I sit here lusting after a long nap on clean sheets, I’m a bit surprised at the positive responses I got from my posts on reclaiming Appalachian culture. Revival and renewal are big in Appalachian religion. There are lesser revivals or local regular worship and the bigger, less frequent revivals that last days. I’ve been thinking about the revivals coming up in my life. Beltane. Pagan Spirit Gathering. Maybe others as I work out my schedule.

I think revivals are good and needed. The ancients had them in forms of festivals. Our ancestors had them in the holidays of their faiths. Pagans need to cultivate these immersive, social and intensely celebratory events of renewal and purification. We need time free of our daily stresses and responsibilities, connect to the sacred and “get happy” as tent revivalists sometimes say.

Blessed Be!

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