You Can Breathe Now

You Can Breathe Now December 2, 2011

You have permission to be human. You have permission to breathe. You have permission to act natural. You have permission to accept yourself. You have permission to love who you were born to be.

Many people describe finding Paganism as “coming home.” Suddenly, something in you that was dark and obscure has a light shined on it and you say “Oh! That’s who I am!” You can label what it is that you are. You can put a name on it.

I remember when I “came home” to Paganism. I had tried desperately to figure out how I, as a woman, was supposed to fit into Evangelical Christianity and I found myself despairing of my inadequacy. Finding Paganism was as if my heart was unlocked, uncaged, set free. I could breathe. I was exactly the sort of woman I was supposed to be. The Goddess loved me as I was, and not as I was told to be. I cannot even begin to convey the huge current of relief that swept through my body. A weight lifted from my shoulders, and I was free.

I think we have a lot of different homecomings in our lives. Many different times when we have the opportunity to let go of past indoctrination and expectations and just breathe. Just be who we are meant to be.

Here’s to hoping we all get to breathe easy and settle into who were are meant to be.

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