July 26, 2012

I was born with all the biological markers of the female sex. I was not born with all of the classic traits of the female gender. I was born different. Different enough that I’ve spent a lot of my life pinpointing that difference. That means I’ve given a lot of thought to my gender identity and sexual orientation. I am female and I am attracted to men. The fact that I have female reproductive organs almost seems incidental to this.... Read more

July 26, 2012

I have so much to write. So much to do. So many thoughts in my head. So many projects to attend to after my “vacation.” And here I am, cut down in my prime. I don’t know if it is the flu, or a cold, or a virus, or bad salami, or psychic distress, or simply July, but I feel like crud. It has been coming on for days and now I have no choice but to succumb to the... Read more

July 25, 2012

From the dynamic between e-publishing and traditional publishing, to the rise of the biography, Pagan publishing is changing on a lot of fronts. We will begin broadcasting soon, and here is a time zone guide. If you like keep this tab open as a reminder to watch live. 11 AM EDT (New York) 10 AM CDT (Nashville) 9 AM MDT (Denver) 8 AM PDT (Seattle) 4 PM BST (London) Read more

July 23, 2012

I’ve seen the headlines. I know the basics. But I haven’t read a single post or news story about the Aurora, Colorado shooting. I just can’t do it. I mentioned that my vacation involved a Grey’s Anatomy marathon. Took me all the way to the end of the sixth season. If you follow the show you know that at the end of season six an armed gunman roams the hospital and a lot of people are shot. A few die.... Read more

July 23, 2012

Yesterday I wrote about owning things, and some of my readers were displeased with the idea of “owning” being something good in a spiritual context. My post yesterday was not great, and some readers mistook my unpolished stream-of-consciousness scribble for panic. I am far from panicked. I do not believe that the sky is falling on our heads. I am trying to see us and our place in the world clearly, free of projection and illusion. I have reached a... Read more

July 22, 2012

Not all of us are polytheists. I get that. I’ve just spent a week watching Grey’s Anatomy marathon fashion, and I’ve thought very little about Paganism. When I did think about it, I thought about the things that annoyed me. Then I reminded myself I was on vacation and put it out of my mind. All things end, and so has my “vacation.” I’m not certain you can call it a vacation if you still make time to work everyday,... Read more

July 19, 2012

I’m supposed to be on vacation. Supposed to be getting a tan, reading sci-fi and watching Grey’s Anatomy marathons on Netflix. But I check e-mail and social media twice a day, so this isn’t really much of a vacation. I’ve already clocked two hours of work today and I still have things to do. Regardless, despite my personal vow to not get involved in a stupid internet debate on my vacation, I’m stepping into the “Fat Pagan” debate. I am... Read more

July 13, 2012

When you’re talking about bad luck, these guys had it. In spades. But life is looking up for the West Memphis Three. I derive a lot of joy out of following Damien Echols and Jason Baldwin on social media and rejoicing in their happiness. So in case you weren’t following them online, this is my attempt to persuade you otherwise. Jason Baldwin is going to school and becoming an advocate for kids who have been sentenced to life in prison.... Read more

July 12, 2012

Teo Bishop has come out as popular recording artist Matt Morris. I’m not merely surprised, I’m downright speechless. To echo my friend David Salisbury: This is like Mary Jane discovering that Peter Parker is Spiderman. Teo isn’t merely internet famous, he sang on Ellen with Justin freaking Timerlake as his backup singer. So I’m feeling a bit dumb for not making this connection. But aside from being once again awed by his talent, I’m impressed by his bravery. He has... Read more

July 11, 2012

Paganism online is a totally different animal from the face-to-face Pagan culture and community. What are the strengths, weaknesses and issues that face those who primarily engage with Paganism online? We will begin broadcasting shortly, and here is a time zone guide. 11 AM EDT (New York) 10 AM CDT (Nashville) 9 AM MDT (Denver) 8 AM PDT (Seattle) 4 PM BST (London)   Read more

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