Who knew?

Who knew? April 30, 2012

Who knew that being loud and jacked up around other people isn’t the same as being extroverted?

Yes, still mulling over the discovery that, despite years of being told otherwise, I am actually an introvert. I was asked why this should matter – partly I guess it means I feel like I can stop beating myself up over not being more social. I know introverts who do push themselves to be veritable social butterflies, but I don’t think I need to be one of them. If I give myself permission to simply be shy, then maybe I can stop trying so hard to make small talk that I wind up running off at the mouth and sticking my foot in it.

I’m on a journey of self-discovery, it’s kind of fun and full of surprises. Turns out I haven’t heeded old Socrates’ dictum as well as I had thought.

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