One Year Later

One Year Later May 5, 2010

Today marks the official one year anniversary of the launch of Patheos!  On May 5th last year, we officially launched the site.  It was tremendously exciting and also incredibly scary, our vision was live out on the internet for the whole world to see.  The summer was hard — really hard — but we emerged in September with some really exciting growth and practical experience on how to make the site relevant.

As I sit here one year later, I am humbled and so very proud of the team of people who have come together to do something they care about that and who believe we are doing something important in this very complicated world.


  • I am grateful to our staff and leaders who work with us everyday, even when we could not pay them.  And still smiled…and still believed
  • I am blessed to be surrounded everyday with people who have passion and beliefs and convictions — and even though we all may be different, the goodness is the same
  • I am proud of what Patheos has become — it’s content, it’s coverage and it’s messaging is strong and fair and interesting
  • I am thrilled that so many people come to the site everyday and read and THINK about one of the most important topics there is
  • I am surrounded everyday by the most competent, innovative, interesting and seriously funny group of people that I have ever known
  • That even though we have lost some of our original team, they remain advocates of Patheos and our friends
  • I get to work with the most compelling CEO I have ever known with a huge heart, a good soul and the most amazing mind (OK, so he is also my husband but I still dig him!)
  • That I get to cry at team meetings 😉

How blessed am I to spend everyday working with my Patheos family, doing something I believe in and waking everyday excited to be here, right now, in this moment. I will watch with anticipation as we enter this year — sure of only one thing — that we have not even begun to see what is possible!

Happy Anniversary, Patheos!

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