Who Are You Calling Demonic?

Who Are You Calling Demonic? September 9, 2024

Who Are You Calling “Demonic”?

Demon Photo by Gerardo Manzano

MAGA evangelicals insist democrats are demons bent on the destruction of America. I suggest they wouldn’t recognize a demon if one actually appeared from the pits of hell, smelling of sulphur and brimstone. But instead of going apoplectic in denial, let’s analyze the accusations. In what ways do MAGA evangelicals believe Democrats are demons? And are there logical responses to these charges?

The Democrats support abortion, gay marriage, and a clear path to citizenship for immigrants. Why does moral progress in human rights and dignity represent the demonic? When I speak for gay rights, conservative Facebook friends ask, “What kind of pastor are you?” It is not a sincere question but a slur. Well, I am the kind of pastor that takes seriously the Christian responsibility to provide hospitality to all others. Never expect me to apologize for promoting human rights, dignity, and progress.

American historians, who are not all Democrats, have established that America was not founded by a bunch of born again evangelical believers? Conservatives have labeled historians as secularists and atheists. All historians are not secularists and atheists. In what sense is this remotely demonic?

Scientists have shown the universe to be billions of years old. In what world can this be seen as demonic? Scientists have established the reality of evolution. As cell biologist, and biology textbook author, Kenneth R. Brown says, “In almost every respect Darwin did get it right.” He adds, “Evolution has never been on stronger scientific ground than it is today.”

And yet in Indiana a group of “Christian” parents brought a lawsuit claiming evolution was “an atheist religion” and promoted atheism. Evangelicals have long been confused by the difference between science and religion. Ken Ham, of Creation Museum notoriety, who is not a scientist, claims he teaches “true science” but believes the earth is only 6,000 years old.

Miller says, “The scientific insight that our very existence, through evolution, requires a universe of the very size, scale, and age that we see around us implies that the universe, in a certain sense, had us in mind from the very beginning. It is very much, in the memorable words of physicist Freeman Dyson, a “universe that knew we were coming.” This is a much more powerful religious statement by a scientist than the creationist nonsense flowing from evangelical pulpits.

Seriously, in what universe can Dyson’s testimony be demonic? “A universe that knew we were coming.” Give me a break.

Democrats have passed legislation providing health care for millions of poor citizens. It is called the Affordable Health Act. And conservatives want us to believe this is demonic. They even gave it what they considered a “devil” term – Obamacare. They made up stories about “death squads.” Trump is still trying to eliminate the National Affordable Health Care Act. He peppers his speeches with attacks on “Obamacare.” “This is our long awaited chance to finally get rid of Obamacare. It’s a long-awaited chance. We’re going to do it. We’re going to do it.”

Democrats protect Social Security and Medicare. That’s not demonic.

Democrats promote disease control, public health, racial diversity, consumer and worker protection, regulation of corporate banks, and environmental protection. Demonic?

Democrats work to prevent unfair and discriminatory treatment by protecting workers. There are no demons hiding in these policies.

Democrats believe we are all created equal. The denial of equality equals harm to fellow human beings. Equality is the moral basis of civil rights laws – voting rights laws, antidiscrimination laws, etc. As George Lakoff notes, “It is also the moral basis of labor law. The right to unionize, for example, recognizes the unfair advantage that employers have over employees.”

The belief in equality creates empathy. “Empathy is the basis for a fair and responsible market, the moral basis of class action suits, the moral basis of laws protecting citizens from abuse by the government.”

How empathy, compassion, and concern became demons in the minds of conservatives boggles the mind. How President Franklin Roosevelt’s attempt to put the social gospel into practice in our government became the Devil is a strange leap of faith. Lakoff reminds, “Behind every progressive policy lies a single moral value: empathy, together with the responsibility and strength to act on that empathy.”

The idea that Democrats are demons is nothing more than MAGA evangelicals getting their wires crossed. What is demonic is denying free hot meals for poor students during summer breaks from school, putting the children of immigrants in cages, attempting to cut food stamps because of alleged fraud, fighting to implement a nation wide ban on all abortions, and an array of policies lacking in empathy.

I think MAGA’s inability to correctly identify the demonic has to do with spiritual blindness. When you follow a person whose every word consummates a lie, you are unable to see the demons in your own group.

Democrats mostly respond to the better angels of our spirit. They are as far from being demonic as the bosom of Abraham is from hell. But if the “rich” who are in hell, need a cup of water, a host of Democrats would gladly be their water carriers from a deep wellspring of empathy.

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