Salt and Light Under the Covers

Salt and Light Under the Covers February 11, 2014

Yesterday, the assigned Gospel lesson included the passage “You are the salt of the earth. You are the light of the world.” I had many important things to say, but, afterwards, the only thing people remembered was a prayer that I shared that I thought they might want to pray. You’ve probably heard it before. I can’t remember where I learned it, so I can’t give proper credit. I suppose it is because I’ve been doing this for so long, but, a couple of years ago, I heard someone use it in a sermon and credit it to me. That might have been because it sounds like me. Several people asked for copies of the prayer after church, so here it is:

God, so far it’s been a good day. Somehow I’ve managed to do your will. I haven’t been grumpy, greedy, critical, or selfish. Somehow, I have even avoided being self-absorbed and self-indulgent. So far, I have been able to live as you would have me live. Now, O God, I need your help. In just a minute, I am going to get out of bed, and I’m gonna need all the help I can get. AMEN.

Well, if we are going to take seriously Jesus’ call for us to be salt and light, we are going to have to get out of bed and we are going to need all the help we can get. In fact, what is terrifying to me about this passage that Jesus didn’t say, “You need to become the salt of the earth and the light of the world” or “One day you will be the salt of the earth and the light of the world.” No, what he said was, “You ARE.” You ARE the ones who make things better. You ARE the ones who make the world brighter. When I think about Jesus’ confidence in me, I am reluctant to get out of bed, lest I be a grave disappointment. Still, salt and light aren’t much good under the covers.

by Michael Piazza
Center for Progressive Renewal

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