July 28, 2014

In today's Buzz, Paul Ryan presents a new anti-poverty plan that might appeal to Democrats, the New York Times calls for legalized marijuana, some debate whether Medicaid should cover expensive drugs, the IRS agrees to investigate pulpit electioneering... Read more

July 25, 2014

In today's Buzz, a botched execution in Arizona, a new book on fanaticism within big-time sports, Iraq's Christian minority is in trouble, Republican governors stand to benefit from climate change regulations, and prices rise on Israeli carriers flying... Read more

July 24, 2014

In today's Buzz, your cat pictures could be compromising your privacy, why Pope Francis is obsessed with the Mafia, a book designer creates a controversial new version of the Bible, appellate courts offer conflicting rulings about the Affordable Care A... Read more

July 23, 2014

PRRI is back in the news, this time appearing in a story in The Economist, which questions whether the shift in support for same-sex marriage in the U.S. poses an existential problem for religious denominations that currently oppose it. Read more

July 23, 2014

In today's Buzz, evangelicals proselytize by the pool in Portland, Oregon, Rand Paul tells techies he wants to "disrupt" Washington, school principals think their children are socioeconomically disadvantaged, the concept of social mobility might be a m... Read more

July 22, 2014

In today's Morning Buzz, megachurch candidates are winning primaries, some worry that the backlash to Hobby Lobby will make Democrats seem anti-religion, evangelicals question religion's place in the public square, and researchers reevaluate the studen... Read more

July 21, 2014

In today's Morning Buzz, raising the minimum wage could speed job growth, atheists are knitting bricks to protest the Supreme Court's decision in Hobby Lobby, legalized prostitution could lead to fewer rapes, tech companies recruit gay and lesbian empl... Read more

July 18, 2014

In today's Morning Buzz, a federal judge overturns the death penalty in California, cities make it harder and harder for homeless people to survive, Republicans block a bill that would guarantee employees' birth control coverage, PRRI Affiliated Schola... Read more

July 17, 2014

In today's Buzz, Missouri's governor vetoes a law that would allow concealed guns in schools, the White House unveils plans to tackle global warming, a federal court rules that the University of Texas can keep using race as a factor in admissions, and ... Read more

July 16, 2014

PRRI's latest blog post explores Richard Land's downfall as the head of the Southern Baptist Convention's Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission, and it's new leadership under Russell Moore. Read more

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