Gran Turismo: A Ride You Don’t Want to Miss

Gran Turismo: A Ride You Don’t Want to Miss August 11, 2023

Gran Turismo. Have you heard of it? Most people I have talked to have heard something, but they don’t know a lot about it.  This is a movie about a team of auto racers that turned the racing world upside down by introducing gamers as professional race car drivers.  In the film, Orlando Bloom plays a marketing executive who comes up with the crazy idea to take the best players of the game Gran Turismo (known for its incredibly realistic approach to racing/gaming) and see if they could turn that expertise into real life professional drivers.

Just in case you haven’t seen it, here’s the trailer:


Unlike the two big box office stalwarts of the summer (Barbie and Oppenheimer) Gran Turismo seems like it would only appeal to a super small niche audience.  I had unconsciously branded it as something that might be enjoyable to watch in the future but not something that really appealed to me. I am not a gamer nor do I follow any sort of motorsports. The sole reason I decided to go see this one is because I have a teenage son with an interest in both and I’m glad I did!  This movie surprised and delighted me on many levels.

Based on real life gamer turned professional race car driver Jann Mardenborough, Gran Turismo stretches beyond that perceived niche audience and touches on issues that everyone can relate to. It is overflowing with life lessons, encouragement, support, and ultimately, triumph. And unlike those two previously mentioned films, there’s little to nothing in this film that conservatives or families would need to worry about navigating. Other than some language peppered throughout the story, there is no nudity, sexual content, or violence in this film.

I went into this film with no expectations at all and I ended up being completely drawn in and engaged until the very end. At one point during the movie, I whispered to my son that part of me wanted to grab my phone and Google the outcome, but I also just wanted to enjoy the ride that the filmmakers had crafted for us. And let me tell you, every single moment of this ride was indeed well thought out and superbly crafted. With incredible camera shots, sound, and special effects, you definitely feel like you are in the car with the drivers. It is a tightly crafted story that can leave you breathless, crying, laughing, and clapping all at once.

Though you could see Gran Turismo just to enjoy the adrenaline fueled pulse pounding action and inspiring story, if you give it a chance, this movie also has the potential to open some very profound conversations. From the very beginning of the story when Jann is a young man struggling through a strained relationship with a father who doesn’t understand his hopes or his dreams, to the hardships of training, competition, teamwork, and even horrifyingly awful setbacks, this movie has it all. Parents, if you’d like to have some conversations with your kids, this movie is a really good start.

I would also be remiss if I didn’t mention the outstanding performance of David Harbour in this film.  Knowing him from his work in Stranger Things and also Black Widow, I have always enjoyed seeing him on screen but this film made me a fan.  In a film that could have skewed into the unbelievable at times, Harbour’s performance anchored the film and gave it a depth and weight that shouldn’t be overlooked.

Gran Turismo is a fantastic film that deserves to be enjoyed with all of the sounds, energy, and excitement that only a big screen can offer. Definitely don’t miss this one if you have the chance!

Gran Turismo opens this weekend (August 11) in select theaters with a wide release August 25.

About Lori Twichell
Lori Twichell is a screenwriter, publicist and marketing director in the entertainment industry. You can read more about the author here.
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