Is There Any One Religion That Is Right?

Is There Any One Religion That Is Right? December 4, 2024

God is bigger than any box humans can come up with to put him in. He is bigger than religion. He is bigger than science. He is far above anything we can think of. His ways are far above our ways. He has always been and always will be….So why limit him? I encourage every truth seeker to unchain themselves from your small ideas about him and tear down all those religious concepts of God and see how mighty he really is and can be in your life. True spirituality, after all, has nothing to do with religion.  I think a big part of the problem is the messed-up definition most of us have of what it means. True spirituality has nothing to do with religion or any particular set of beliefs. It is an all-encompassing view of life and not denying that things are more connected than most want to accept. True spirituality carries over into every aspect of your life. It’s not something you have to stir up, pay up or wind up. It becomes as real as the air you breathe, invisible in many ways but so real and vital to you as an individual. True spirituality is something that comes alongside everything you do, every thought you think and everything you see. It becomes a filter through which you view all things on a level that just makes sense.

So, how does it all fit together? To find out you have to break down the history of humans and their interaction with one another and their perception of where they came from and the mystery of whether there is more than what our physical senses can perceive which is what my book God B.C. has attempted to do.

So many religions preach and teach that God commands this and commands that like that is all there is to it. This is really taken out of context. Look at it this way. When you buy a bicycle or a bookshelf that requires assembly you do not argue with the instructions included. Are they not ‘commands’ though? ‘Thou shalt put screw A in hole B’. Right? You do not argue with the creator of the item you are trying to assemble. You know whomever designed it knows how it best fits together. Do you put water in a gasoline tank and expect your gas-powered vehicle to run on it? Of course, not! If you disobey its designer though, you reap the consequences of it, not because of some deliberate judgment from the creator of the product but because you did not follow the instructions. The Bible is just that. It is the instruction guide for humans and all of creation. Follow the instructions and everything will run correctly. Well, obviously humans haven’t done too good of a job at following the instructions and look at the consequences we are reaping: sickness, disease, wars, polluted air, water and food. You can’t blame the Creator/God for this world is nothing more than the sum of thousands of years of bad choices by human beings.

I guess one of my points in writing all this is to get spiritually minded people out of their religious boxes and realize True Spirituality is more than any one religion can comprehend and explain. Consider this:

If a message is truly the truth then no temple made by the hands of any created being will be able to contain it. Real truth is big enough to cover all of creation. To try to contain truth in a temple or to even try to organize it under one roof or one people or one set of beliefs is like caging a wild animal. It is cruel, it is against its natural design and eventually will only weaken as it loses its wild side and conforms to its captivity and as a result it would only produce other caged animals. Truth by design should set one free not put one in a cage.

—Benjamin Raven Pressley

People too often want other people to believe that God is in their hip pocket and favors them over anyone else. I have news for you Creator/God is not republican, democrat, gay, Baptist, Catholic, Presbyterian…whatever group you want to name and that includes you!  Israel’s military leader, Joshua, seeing a warrior on the other side of the river and drawing his sword and asking him ‘Are you for us or our enemy?’ and he quickly replies, ‘Neither! But as commander of the army of the Lord, I have now come.’ (Joshua 5:13-15). Basically, he was saying I am on God’s side. I’m on no particular group’s side. God is God. He doesn’t take sides.

In conclusion, I would like to say. True Spirituality is more all-encompassing than most think. It is also more universal than most think. Please don’t think that I am trying to prove religious syncretism. All religions most certainly cannot be fused together and all religions are not right. God has been God before the beginning of this planet. God has expressed himself in many dispensations. In that process, he has NEVER contradicted himself. Humans, on the other hand, have basically interpreted these dispensations in ways that very much contradict one another usually to suit their own comfort zones. Humans have related to God in many different ways; some just walked it out and believed everything they did went up to the Creator and their very life was a prayer going up to God, others built tabernacles and validated forms of approaching God such as kneeling, going to church, etc. Humans too often let the way of approaching God become more important than God himself and this leads to all the origins of religions we have today and will continue to do so in the future if not corrected. Jesus fulfilled all religions and belief systems by becoming the Word made flesh, the way, the truth and the life. The Holy Bible records on a small scale of time and place universal truths for all time and all places. ALL interpretations and spiritual truths hinge on and are checked by the truths explained in the Holy Bible chiefly on the teachings of Jesus and as detailed by the apostles. For our modern times and purposes, the line drawn in the sand was Jesus’ life, death and resurrection. There is a reason that all human history is B.C. Before Christ or A.D. Anno Domini The Year of Our Lord. Our atheistic culture tries to change that time designation but they cannot change the truth that all time was split in two at that moment before and after Jesus entered our world. On his words hang all truth and any contradiction of his words are not truths at all. He designed us. He knows what is best for us. We would be wise to follow his design for to do otherwise is to the detriment and ultimately the destruction of life as it was meant to be.

About Benjamin Raven Pressley
Benjamin Raven Pressley is a prolific writer and ordained minister and has authored many books and blogs. He is an author, artist, Bible teacher and philosopher. His Cherokee heritage and his knowledge of living in harmony with the planet and God are evident throughout everything he writes. Raven welcomes your questions, input, and visits to his website at You can read more about the author here.

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