March 21, 2016

My husband and I will celebrate our 20th anniversary this June, and we’ve decided to try once again to get away together. (We last tried for our 15th anniversary, but my morning sickness with our youngest kept us home.) In twenty years of marriage, we’ve never gone away together. We had no honeymoon, and haven’t even slipped away for a night just the two of us. There were always tiny babies to bring along, or family obligations that we can’t... Read more

March 16, 2016

I woke up this morning ready for a nap. By 10:00 I was dragging. At sometime around noon I could hardly keep my eyes open. At 2:00 I finally gave into the siren song of plush blankets and fluffy pillows, dozing off for nearly two hours, only to wake up ready for another nap. When I’m not asleep, my body thinks that I need to be. Normal thyroid but low Vitamin D (since corrected after 8 weeks of high dose... Read more

March 13, 2016

Many of you have asked me for an update on the lawsuits involving a local homeschooling family and their neighbors. (To catch up with the long version of what’s going on, read here.) Here’s the Cliff’s Notes version of what’s going on: The Counts Family built a playhouse in their back yard which was approved by the city’s code enforcement and the HOA board. Their neighbors (The Wards) complained about having to hear the noise of the children playing on... Read more

March 10, 2016

My childhood BFF and her kids came to visit me this week for Spring Break. She’s an engineer married to someone with an engineering/inventor brain, which means there’s always a part of me that wants to see what new parenting hacks they’ve invented. This time it’s one I’m totally stealing, and you might want to too. They have three small children (so far) ages 1, 3, and 5. Kim drives a minivan with the two youngest in the captain’s chairs,... Read more

March 7, 2016

I gave up all grains, processed sugars, and meat for Lent. I’m Southern, so that basically means that I gave up food. (Y’all have seen the Pioneer Woman cook. Can I get a “Bless your heart” from the Southern girls who are feeling my pain?) I have an unhealthy relationship with eating. Anything sweet, baked, fried, or savory calls out to me. I eat when I’m hungry. I eat when I’m not hungry. I dream about food while I’m in Mass. I’m... Read more

February 29, 2016

A few weeks back, our 8 year old made his First Confession.   It wasn’t until later that I began to wonder why it’s not treated like a bigger thing. It seems like it should be, but it just isn’t. I’m not sure why. Baptisms have special white  clothes, big parties, and a special cake. First Communions – same deal – special white clothes (for the girls at least), party, cake. Confirmations, again with the special clothes (white again for the girls),... Read more

February 25, 2016

There’s a friend I was once close enough to that I considered her my sister. We are the godparents of each other’s children, and lived in and out of each other’s houses. We walked together through some of the darkest moments of our lives, but that was years ago. She moved one way. We moved somewhere else. We slowly lost touch with each other. We just drifted apart. There was one last friendly phone call with promises to talk again,... Read more

February 20, 2016

Our Second eldest son earned his Black Belt in karate this week. It’s taken him nearly five years of incredibly hard work to get to make it to this point. Long time readers will remember that he’s the boy with double vision caused by Convergence Insufficiency. Simply put, his eyes work independently of each other. It makes things like reading and physical coordination extraordinarily difficult. Which is why his Black Belt, which would be a big deal in any case,... Read more

February 18, 2016

I have a half dozen posts that I have started and stopped over the last few days. My heart isn’t in any of them. It’s in Oklahoma City with our friends who work for Devon Energy. Devon, like a lot of oil companies including the one my husband works for, are hurting with continuous fall of the price of a barrel of oil. Devon, like most other oil companies, is laying people off in massive numbers. Devon just happens to be... Read more

February 14, 2016

I was having a discussion with my eldest son this evening about God, faith, and the Church. He’s searching for Truth and asking all of the difficult questions that come with being sixteen. The questions are painful as he weighs what he believes, and the kind of man that he hopes to become. We came eventually to my own faith journey, he asked if I had ever questioned my Catholic faith, and was surprised to learn that I had been... Read more

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