Doug Cunningham holds a Ph.D. in Film Studies from UC Berkeley, and his first anthology,The San Francisco of Alfred Hitchcock’s Vertigo: Place, Pilgrimage, and Commemoration, will be published by Scarecrow Press in late 2011.
Patton Dodd is the executive editor of Patheos. His writing on film has appeared in the Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, Slate, Newsweek, Cineaste, Books & Culture, Beliefnet, Killing the Buddha, and the Colorado Springs Independent. He holds a Ph.D. in religion and literature from Boston University.
Bradley L. Herling is Assistant Professor of Religious Studies at Marymount Manhattan College. He is the author of The German Gita: Hermeneutics and Discipline in the German Reception of Indian Thought, 1778-1831(Routledge, 2006) and A Beginner’s Guide to the Study of Religion (Continuum, 2007). He has also written and presented on the films of Tom Tykwer, the Coen brothers, and Michael Haneke.
Martyn Oliver teaches in the Department of Philosophy and Religion at American University. His work explores the construction of religious identity, particularly how Western literature depicts Islam and Muslims.
Joshua Pederson is Lecturer of Humanities at Boston University and holds a Ph.D. in religion and literature. His writing on film has appeared inThe Michigan Daily, The Kalamazoo Gazette, and The Ithaca Times. He blogs about the scripture and contemporary culture at Eat the Bible.
Michael Pollard teaches Media Studies and English in Colorado Springs. He is an avid film-watcher, freelance video editor, and aspiring media critic.