Dr. Bob Robinson (D.Min, Covenant Theological Seminary, M.Div., Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, BS Business Administration, University of Akron) is the Executive Director of Reintegrate (The Center to Reintegrate Faith, Life and Vocations), a nonprofit organization that equips God’s people to reintegrate the Christian faith with every aspect of life so that they can participate in God’s mission in the world. His doctoral dissertation was on the intersection of God’s mission with a theology of vocation, learning from pastors around the country how they intentionally equip their congregants to live on mission in their various vocations.
Bob helps college students, church leaders, and marketplace leaders to reintegrate faith with all of life, especially their vocations, through writing, consulting, teaching, curriculum development, and podcasting.
The popular Re-integrate Podcast features interviews with nationally known best-selling authors discussing important topics on faith, work, theology, and Christian living.
His book, Reintegrate Your Vocation with God’s Mission (Good Place Publishing, 2017) is a seven-chapter group Bible study that introduces the concepts of vocational mission. He has also written for Trinity Journal, Trinity Magazine, and Comment Magazine. He served as a Content Editor for The High Calling (now a part of Theology of Work Project).
As a campus minister with CCO (Coalition for Christian Outreach), he enjoys time on college campuses helping students discover Jesus Christ, discern how to align their college majors with God’s mission, and how to live out the Christian faith in every area of life.