C. F. D. Moule

C. F. D. Moule October 3, 2007

New Testament scholar C. F. D. Moule recently passed away. He was nearly 99 years old, and rightly famous in his field. Obituaries have appeared in the British newspapers The Independent and The Telegraph. Since he could be called my “Doctor-Grandfather” (since he was Jimmy Dunn’s Doktorvater, and Jimmy Dunn was mine), I thought I’d share links to some online books and articles by this great scholar:

The Birth of the New Testament

The Meaning of Hope

Christ’s Messengers: Studies in the Acts of the Apostles

The Sacrifice of Christ

Worship in the New Testament

Man and Nature in the Old Testament. Some Reflections on Biblical Ecology

“Further Reflections on Philippians 2:5-11”

The Influence of Circumstances on the Use of Eschatological Terms” (JTS 15 (1964) 1-15)

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