Around the Blogosphere

Around the Blogosphere January 24, 2008

It has been a while since I’ve shared links to other blogs, and there have been a number that I’ve considered particularly significant. Top of the list is Julie Bogart’s entry The Aberration about modern fundamentalist Christianity as a rather odd and aberrant “blip” far from the mainstream of historic Christianity. If you read only one link from this page, let it be that one.

Joel Willitts has a post at Euangelion about the Antioch incident in Galatians 2, which is what my class on Paul and the Early Church focused on today, and in particular the question of how the visits Paul makes to Jerusalem which are mentioned in that letter relate to information in Acts.

A number of science blogs have mentioned the list of “dissenters from Darwinism”. At a whopping 700 names, consisting mostly of people whose credentials have nothing to do with biology, it pales next to the list of dissenters from dissent from Darwinism – and also next to the list of scientists named Steve who are persuaded by the evidence for Darwinian evolution.

Jim West, April DeConick, Marc Goodacre and Stephen Pfann are among those scholars who have been covering the recent conference on the Talpiot tomb. Most recently, the Biblical Archaeological Review has chimed in.

R. T. Jones mistook me for Alister McGrath.

I also recently discovered io9, a great source for science fiction and unusual science news.

Church of the Masses has discovered Battlestar Galactica. (HT Carmen Andres).

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