Welcome Back Vista!

Welcome Back Vista! January 28, 2008

Having struggled in vain to get Windows XP to work on my computer (with an nVidia GeForce motherboard and graphics card), and finding indications from others that the blue screen of death (BSOD for those who experience it so often they need an abbreviation) is par for the course when the two are combined, I have returned to Vista. My hesitation to do so was not simply because of issues experienced previously (my “black screen after login” post continues to get a remarkable number of hits each day from all over the world) but also out of a desire to avoid a complete reformatting of my hard drive until all other options had been explored. Fortunately I did not lose much in the experience, and whatever I did last time to cause the black screen after login, apparently I haven’t done it yet!

In other news, in last week’s blogospheric activity, the following are worth noting:

How to win any argument (HT Chris Tilling)

Pharyngula points to a cartoon that clearly shows that the opponents of science have no idea what scientists’ lives are like or why they do what they do.

IO9 has a post on the dumbest space gods in science fiction, which I have yet to give the careful read it deserves from someone fascinated by the intersection of religion and sci-fi.

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