Oceanic Airlines Commercial

Oceanic Airlines Commercial February 2, 2008

I will post about Eli Stone soon, but found I needed to devote a whole post just to the Oceanic Airlines commercial aired during the show. It talks about the “golden pass” allowing one to fly anywhere. The “Oceanic Six” are given such passes (Jack mentioned using his every weekend). Someone who looked vaguely familiar manages to break through the broadcast and say “Can’t trust these people. Oceanic Flight 815 – we found it”.

There is an older official site for Oceanic Airlines which is worth taking a look at. It says that, as a result of the crash of flight 815, they have ceased all service. Perhaps part of the lie the survivors tell after being rescued is a story that doesn’t tell what really happened but exonerates the airline, thus allowing their business to resume. One can track flights on the page – in fact, the only flight one can track is flight 815, and in doing so one reaches this page which includes the words “give us the boy”, the words Tom spoke when he took Walt. If you want to dig deeper, there is an in-flight magazine with a subtle link that takes you to a quiz which then lets you sign up for e-mails about the show.

A newer site for Oceanic Airlines says that service has resumed. It is also worth a look.

There is another older site for Oceanic Airlines which may not be official. At present the page has a coded message !F?2EC7 ;GJJ 3AA96] } ICC2 C=C G7 2CCBCB] The message has been deciphered on fan sites and Lostpedia.

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