Around the Blogosphere

Around the Blogosphere April 16, 2008

The discussion on whether Jesus was wrong, and if so what the implications are, continues at The Busybody.

J. C. Baker has a post on blogging and the academic job search.

There is an Expelled plagiarism “paternity test” (HT Further Thoughts, Stranger Fruit, ERV, The Austringer and Panda’s Thumb). Open Parachute has a nice round-up of recent posts on Expelled. And Pharyngula has the latest on the plagiarism lawsuit subject.

Drew has a fascinating post on William James’ views on (intelligent) design.

IO9 asks which part of the galaxy aliens hang out in. Presumably they are wondering the same thing about us aliens. Scientific Blogging has pieces about Evolution vs. Intelligent Design and the probability of life on earth-like planets.

Bruce Prescott talks about theocracy and the Ten Commandments.

Over at Telic Thoughts, they are discussing my review of The Design Matrix.

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