Around the Blogosphere

Around the Blogosphere May 5, 2008

Doug Chaplin highlights a news article about a study which shows that fundamentalists don’t know the Bible better than others, and that reading the Bible more doesn’t lead one to vote for a particular party. Is anyone surprised…apart from fundamentalists?
Liberal Pastor discusses what it means to be a Progressive Christian. I hope Mystical Seeker and Pluralist won’t stop exploring the cutting edge of such a faith. Pluralism Sunday has been scheduled.
Sam Harris needs Christian volunteers. Vridar has been continuing a series on Wright and the resurrection, and also talks about why science is not a faith. Quixie discusses the Pastoral Epistles. James Tabor discusses Barrie Wilson’s How Jesus Became Christian. Ehrman and Wright continue their conversation. April DeConick asks about religious freedom.
Andrew can’t help laughing that someone finds Jesus’ view of discipleship an inadequate definition of Christianity. Michael Halcomb calls bloggers to unite for human rights.
Chuck Blanchard asks whether Jesus was wrong about Genesis. John Pieret continues to discuss what the Discovery-free Institute says and does. Steve Martin asks people to share their stories about shifting to an evolutionary creationist perspective. Ancient Hebrew Poetry also has a post on a Genesis creation story. Francisco Ayala spoke recently about the problem of evil. John M. Lilley, president of Baylor University, has written a letter addressing the issue of Expelled. Elliot highlights some moderate voices on religion and science.

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