Blogs that Make Me Think and Make My Day

Blogs that Make Me Think and Make My Day May 31, 2008

Carmen Andres kindly chose me as one of her five blogs that make her think and make her day. Thanks Carmen! Now all I have to do is whittle down my own list to a mere five and pass on the honor…and that’s not easy! But I will choose five, as I must…

Thoughts in a Haystack
Find and Ye Shall Seek
Forbidden Gospels
Ponderings on a Faith Journey

And now, here are the runners up: Chrisendom, Abnormal Interests, A Guy In The Pew, Liberal Pastor in Burnsville, An Evangelical Dialogue on Evolution, Earliest Christian History, Faith and Theology, Mainstream Baptist, NT Gateway, Progression of Faith, Quadrilateral Thoughts, SF Gospel, SF Signal, The Bad Idea Blog, The Panda’s Thumb, TheoFantastique, The Busybody, IO9, The Creation of an Evolutionist, Jim West, Notes From Off Center, Open Parachute, N. T. Wrong, Playing Chess With Pigeons, Quintessence of Dust, Threads from Henry’s Web, and countless others that I have neglected to mention because either (1) they’ve already been nominated by someone else, or (2) they are sure to be nominated by someone else, or (3) they haven’t posted in a while, or (4) they didn’t blog about the LOST season finale, or (5) I forgot. So all you other bloggers out there, get to work nominating these other great blogs!

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