LOST: Who’s in charge here?

LOST: Who’s in charge here? May 10, 2008

In last week’s episode, Ben seemed to be resigned to destiny having passed the baton from him to John Locke. But hopefully all fans have learned not to take anything Benjamin Linus says at face value. He might well be playing Locke, and still doing what Jacob wants. We’ll have to wait and see.

If Locke is indeed “chosen” (Christian Shepherd said “That’s exactly right”), then by whom was he chosen? Anakin Skywalker was the “chosen one” – he was created by Darth Plagueis to fulfill a prophecy. By whom has Locke been chosen?

Richard Alpert was around soon after he was born, but was he observing or on the side of the choosers? Since Locke had already done things on the island in the future before those then connected with the island became aware of him, neither side could go back and eliminate him. All they could do is observe and seek to influence.

Alpert, we assume, is one of those representing the island’s “original inhabitants”. He is on the side of Ben and the Others. Or is he? We should not assume anything about anyone’s true allegiances on this show. Matthew Abbadon seemed to work for Charles Widmore, hiring Naomi and the team that goes to find Ben Linus and the island, yet they seem to be at odds at times with the aims of Keamy and the troops whose aim is also to find Ben Linus, but with different means and a different agenda.

Could it be that behind both Charles Widmore and Ben Linus there is a single power pulling the strings? If so, who? Ms. Hawking? Jacob? Someone we haven’t yet met? The island itself? God?

If Locke’s destiny is really to replace Ben as leader of the Others, then we must think about what this means: when Sayid later finds himself working for Ben, he’s in fact working for Locke.

Since Mother’s Day is almost here, let’s consider the possibility that behind the scenes, pulling the strings, directing history, is one of the main characters’ mother. We already know that fathers like Christian Shepherd have a key role…somehow.

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