Who’s in charge on LOST? The Producers!

Who’s in charge on LOST? The Producers! May 12, 2008

Here’s the latest from LOST’s bosses about the mysteries of the show (HT SF Signal). If it reveals nothing else, is shows Plenty of Nothing to be wrong about LOST. And if you don’t know what LOST’s J. J. Abrams’ latest project is, you definitely need to pay a visit to IO9.

There’s also a review of Daniel Radosh’s book Rapture Ready! which surveys Christian popular culture. Sounds interesting! (HT Bob Patterson).

In other news, the United Methodist Church has endorsed the Clergy Letter Project. And the Archbishop of Canterbury (Rowan Williams) had the following to say at his Holy Week Lecture on Faith and Science (17 March 2008): “[R]eligious faith can and ought to support and encourage science: science as a practice, with an impressive morality and spirituality, a commendation of attention and humility, the setting aside of self very frequently in the context of addressing the most painful vulnerabilities of the human world; a practice that trains selfless, even contemplative approaches to the world. The quarrel is not with that, the quarrel is with a culture confused about how it values different kinds of organism, whether you’re talking about animal research or embryo research. The problem lies with our lack of clarity in that area, and I don’t suggest for a moment that that is a difficulty we shall solve overnight or even that there is any one, compelling religious or moral framework which will answer all those questions straight away. I note simply that those are the issues that religious faith has an obligation to keep in the public sphere.”

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