Around the Blogosphere (Barack Obama the Antichrist?)

Around the Blogosphere (Barack Obama the Antichrist?) June 10, 2008

Undeception points out another young-earth creationist claim that can be laid to rest (although if their past actions are anything to go by, the scientific evidence for their claim being false won’t stop them repeating it and believing it). Open Parachute highlights the challenges of coming out as a Christian who is persuaded by the evidence for evolution. Demonbaby explores the creation museum, and Robert Ritchie tackles regime change in heaven (HT Pharyngula).

Vridar continues discussing Evans’ Fabricating Jesus. Bay of Fundie highlights the allegation some are making that Barack Obama is the antichrist. The thing to keep in mind is that if Hilary had won the nomination, they’d be saying the same thing about her. In her case, they’d be pointing out things they don’t like about her. In Obama’s case, what gives him away as the antichrist is that he is likeable. And of course, his Christian credentials are so strong that the only chance they have of making the case is to claim that he is secretly a Muslim. Once again, “fundamentalist Christianity” shows it is not interested in truth, honesty or even Christianity, but right-wing politics promoted by any means no matter how dishonest or irrational. You pick who you want to oppose, and then manage to make them “fit” the Biblical references to the beast; you pick the pseudo-Gospel that you consider Christianity and lo and behold, you can find verses to support it, and conveniently ignore those that do not. If only they would stop and think, and ask themselves why Bush’s Christian credentials count for so much in their eyes, and Obama’s for so little…

C. Orthodoxy blogs about good and evil in Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith. Clashing Culture discusses religion and aliens, while there is a possibly irritating essay on the one holy Klingon church.

Chuck Blanchard talks about blogging the rapture and the problem of evil.

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