Can You Digg It?

Can You Digg It? June 26, 2008

I’ve received a few visitors via Digg to my spoof post about Barack Obama. I wonder how many regular readers use Digg. Do click on the link and “Digg” the post in question, if it isn’t too much trouble – I’m curious what effect it will have, if any!

If you’re looking for still more humor, then Chris Brady shares an interesting news item about the maker of the first two testaments planning to make another sequel. You can also get Biblical help balancing your checkbook.

Also, Biology in Science Fiction has pointed me to a blog I hadn’t encountered before, that addresses the question pressing on all our minds: What is Kara Thrace? And Debunking Christianity has a former colleague of mine’s perspective on whether C. S. Lewis lost his faith. And Mystical Seeker discusses what to do when history and theology clash.

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