Intelligent Design Is Pure Science…

Intelligent Design Is Pure Science… July 1, 2008

“Intelligent Design is pure science” has been the claim of the movement associated with this name from the outset. And now you can read about it in a brand new book that explains what Intelligent Design is. The foreword to the book is written by a well-known conservative Christian apologist (and one of the authors is that famous apologist’s son).

Hey, wait a minute…How are we supposed to parody this viewpoint when the reality sounds like a joke?!

At any rate, John Pieret has a better explanation of what Intelligent Design is (or why it is).

Elsewhere in the blogosphere, NT Wrong has an interview with the author of Saving Darwin (also here) and statistics on Republicans and creationism. Open Parachute has posts on “I didn’t come from a monkey” (OK, maybe monkeys that can count) and whether most Americans are persuaded by the evidence for evolution. The Evolution of Mystery has a scary Gallup poll and Bob Cornwall has more Pew findings. Pisteuomen looks at the Genesis creation stories as parody. The Center for Progressive Christianity has news, book reviews and sermons.

Mystical Seeker has several interesting posts on subjects like “Why Religion?” and Keith Ward’s book Rethinking Christianity. Biology in Science Fiction has Robert Sawyer on the relevance of sci fi for today. Metanexus has several posts on cybernetics, transhumanism and the posthuman future. Blogging Faith has a post on politicians’ beliefs about salvation. And at long last, Codex has the XXX Biblical Studies Blog Carnival. That should get a few hits from people looking for something else…

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