Around the Blogosphere

Around the Blogosphere October 29, 2008

Michael Barber has a great quote from B. F. Streeter on form criticism. Deepak Chopra may be worth quoting on the subject of the upcoming election. The Austringer tells us what we can do to help support science education in Texas and warns of more Discovery Institute misinformation. NT Wrong separates bibliobloggers into liberal and conservative categories. Undeception talks about the lake of fire in Revelation. The latest Christian Carnival is up at Fish and Cans. Chet Raymo reflects on the dark night of the moral soul. Metacatholic revisits last Christmas’ discussion of Q. Ben Witherington continues his series on the postmodern mind. Matt Kelley challenges James Dobson’s claim to be a Biblical literalist. Loren Rosson surveys How Did Christianity Begin? Balshanut discusses the Documentary Hypothesis.

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