Tina Fey Debates Joe Biden

Tina Fey Debates Joe Biden October 2, 2008

I’m watching the vice presidential debate. While McCain’s running mate is coping better than I expected (although just as I tuned in, she was saying that she isn’t going to answer the question posed but focus on something else she thinks is more important), I still can’t distinguish her clearly in my mind from Tina Fey’s imitation of her on Saturday Night Live.

Is there a move on the part of the Republican party to change the pronunciation of the word nuclear? Aren’t they afraid that it might leave a dangerous loophole? I can imagine the president of Iran objecting “We didn’t break our promise! You only said we can’t make nucular weapons…”

If you are looking for VP debate humor, you may want to take a look at the Mortal Kombat version of the debates (featured at IO9).

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