Book Meme

Book Meme November 20, 2008

Ken Schenck tagged me with a meme that I’d been tagged with before, but I’ve decided to play along. I have to find p.123 in the nearest book, locate the 5th sentence, and then post the next 3 sentences after that.

The nearest book is Bridget Gilfillan Upton, Hearing Mark’s Endings: Listening To Ancient Popular Texts Through Speech Act Theory (Leiden: E. J. Brill, 2006). Here are the relevant sentences:

“With a flash of irony, Xenophon allows this prophecy to be fulfilled. The parents’ prayers for their children’s safe return are answered, but not before they, having totally lost hope, have taken their own lives in despair (5.6.3). Apart from this, the already completed tale is reinforced once more, with the main characters receiving a final named mention, and the utopian domestic ideal being set up”.

Since I’ve done this before I won’t tag anyone, but if you’re reading this and have never done it, feel free to consider yourself tagged and join in the ‘fun’!

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