Quote of the Day (Candace Chellew-Hodge)

Quote of the Day (Candace Chellew-Hodge) February 4, 2009

“Those who challenge our beliefs or push our emotional buttons are in our lives to teach us how to go deeper into ourselves and defuse our emotional hot buttons. Opposition is a gift to LGBT believers because it forces us to consider our beliefs and why we believe them. We can’t complacently or blithely give our assent to beliefs like heterosexual Christians can. We have to work out our own salvation with fear and trembling. In doing so, we build a stronger faith and learn how to live authentically as the people God created us to be.”

NOTE: I considered at one point omitting the words that applied this point specifically to homosexual Christians, since it seems that there is an underlying truth that can be embraced and appreciated by all Christians, namely that opposition is something beneficial rather than detrimental to our spiritual health. But I decided to give the full quote so that readers can better appreciate not only this author’s insight but the experiences that have led her to have it.

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