LOST Timelines

LOST Timelines June 10, 2009

Matthew Fox (who plays Jack Shepherd on LOST – as if you didn’t already know that) has shared some “spoilers” about LOST season 6. They aren’t so much spoilers as tantalizing hints that could be understood in more than one way. So, if you don’t want sort of spoilers, you should probably sort of stop reading now.

One of the things Fox mentioned is that we’ll see the timelines come together and so there won’t be flashbacks and flashforwards, just “linear time on the island”. That they’ll be on the island is significant, as it suggests that whatever the bomb did, it didn’t just send them back to their everyday lives with the plane crash never having happened. I suspect that what he means is that the separated survivors will all be back in the same time.

Fox also mentions Locke and Jack coming “head to head”, which could of course mean the original John Locke or Esau impersonating him (some fans have apparently taken to calling him Darth Locke, for some reason). And so there is no spoiler as to whether the actions of Daniel, Jack and perhaps most importantly Juliet managed to close the “loophole”.

The reference to “timelines” could, of course, also mean different versions of human history that have been split or changed. I’ve wondered for a while whether that sort of scenario might be involved. The whispers heard on the island have been analysed by fans, and were found to be composed by overlaying slightly different sentences on one another. Are they the sound of two timelines colliding?

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