Around the Biblioblogosphere

Around the Biblioblogosphere August 5, 2009

There are a number of interesting posts for Biblical studies folks this morning, as well as other closely-related fields. Jesus Creed continues its look at Genesis 1. The Aramaic Blog asks whether Barak Hussein Obama is mentioned in an ancient Aramaic manuscript. enters the Obama antichrist fray. Clayboy touches on the subject of whether creating a plural noun “Judaisms” helps us refer more accurately to first century Judaism(s). On Dunelm Road, there’s part three of a series on Paul and culture. Quadrilateral Thoughts uses Wesleyanism as a case study in membership. Hesed we ’emet reads through Walter Bruggeman’s lens. Euangelion and others draw attention to a new journal, Early Christianity. Paleojudaica notes that the Israel Antiquities Authority plans to have private owners of antiquities register their collections. Roger Pearse points to a collection of fragments from Papias in English on the Chronicon blog. Theophyle has been blogging about the Hyksos. Parchment and Pen ponders Princeton and Propositions. ἐν ἐφέσῳ is comparing lexical entries. Nick Norelli offers first impressions of the Rahlfs-Hanhart Septuaginta. NT Discourse looks at discontinuity in discourse. Narrative and Ontology is still examining יִשָּׂא in Ps 24:5. A Bible Junkie confesses to continuing the conversation about doubt. Lingamish shows what Alexander’s sword can do in the hands of a hippo – or John Wesley. Biblia Hebraica reviews Alexander the motion picture. BibleWorks has a new version of Pirke Aboth available. The Ooze looks at postmodern Biblical authority. Theological Scribbles is wrestling with divine punishment. Philosophy and Life looks at faith on authority (with N. T. Wright as a test case).

Just in case you thought there wasn’t much happening this morning in the fields of Biblical studies, theology, antiquity and other related areas – or were poking around looking for something to read…

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