Do-It-Yourself Alternative Book Launch Event

Do-It-Yourself Alternative Book Launch Event September 8, 2009

Because of the flu, I’ve had to postpone the book launch event for The Only True God that was scheduled for this Wednesday (i.e. tomorrow) at 4pm. For those who had their hearts set on being there, here are some steps you can follow to hold your very own DIY book launch event.

Step 1: Buy a copy of The Only True God.
Step 2: Pour yourself a glass of wine or some other beverage.
Step 3: Make sure there is at least one plate of appetizers and one plate of cookies close at hand.
Step 4: Make sure there is no one sniffling, sneezing or coughing within 100 yards of you.
Step 5: Read, relax, and rejoice in the fact that you don’t have the flu!
Step 6: Repeat as necessary.

Obviously there are ways you can make your own DIY book launch event even more creative. Get someone else to be there in a plastic bubble and pretend it is me, wanting to be there but also wanting to protect you from my flu. Write a review of the book and post in on Amazon or your blog.

The possibilities are endless!

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